dotfiles-everforest icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotfiles-everforest copied to clipboard

My Everforest themed dotfiles for Linux

Chillin' Everforest vibes

Used software

Here is a list of the used software for these dotfiles

  • Window manager: i3-gaps
  • Compositor: picom(ibhagwan fork) Because rounded corners >
  • Terminal: kitty Best Terminal in existence, change my mind
  • Bar: polybar Need to change it to tint2 though
  • Launcher: rofi With some scripts I found
  • Notifications: dunst
  • Editor: neovim with a lot of extensions all with custom keybinds



// install all the required stuff
pacman -S i3-gaps kitty rofi dunst neovim 

// Install stuff from AUR
paru -S picom-ibhagwan-git polybar oft-nerd-fonts-fira-code nerd-fonts-fira-code ttf-font-awesome

Basically you just copy paste all configs whereever you need them. In rofi you need to copy the rofi-power-menu to /usr/bin/