The big issue on kernel emulation is how to handle syscalls - we have thought about this some, but no easy answers on that front.
@angleton Wow, SOFTICE - that was the bomb, easily one of the coolest debuggers ever. The kernel work is in progress. You can do some Windows-specific tasks at the kernel-level...
@cyrozap This is probably actually a question for one of the other devs, but will weigh in in the hopes of getting you going - bear in mind my familiarity...
@cyrozap Got it - appreciate the clarification / discussion!
Actually, I think the key error is the E14 on "read registers": Caused by: agent.gdb.manager.impl.cmd.GdbCommandError: caused '{msg=[Could not fetch register "tdata3"; remote failure reply 'E14']}' at agent.gdb.manager.impl.GdbPendingCommand.checkCompletion(GdbPendingCommand.java:226) at agent.gdb.manager.impl.cmd.GdbReadRegistersCommand.complete(GdbReadRegistersCommand.java:190) at...
I would start with the InstructionsForBuildingLLDBInterface in Ghidra/Debug/Debugger-swig-lldb - let us know if you get stuck.
@DAMisener Looks like the script isn’t quite accounting for the fact that you already had llvm installed. Not quite sure why there isn’t a copy of lldb-public.h in /usr/local/opt/llvm/include/lldb as...
Hmmmm, the “gradle buildNatives” task *should* have picked up the relevant .h files from CPPFLAGS, which appears to be set correctly. Possible the buildNatives r ram got modified, but….any luck...
OK, I see it - the problem is the ordering of the include dirs differs for different installations, sadly. If you look at the buildNatives.gradle file in Ghidra/Debug/Debugger-swig-lldb, you will...
Ah, good catch re sed+spaces and the minor release issues. The script was contributed by another user, and I think I haven’t quite grokked some of its subtleties. I will...