Dieter Maurer

Results 122 comments of Dieter Maurer

The bug is still open in `Chameleon = 4.2.0` (used by `Zope = 5.9.x`).

Marcel Telka wrote at 2023-8-10 06:38 -0700: >This is the quick and dirty workaround: >``` >--- persistent-5.0/src/persistent/tests/ >+++ persistent-5.0/src/persistent/tests/ >@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ > prev, here = here, os.path.dirname(here) >...

Marcel Telka wrote at 2023-8-10 08:22 -0700: >Yes, when the test is run in the git repo (or in sdist) then it pass. I'm talking about wheel. There is no...

Rémy Macherel wrote at 2024-2-29 02:26 -0800: >As update, I've tried implementing a custom class inheriting from OOBTree in order to integrate the Length object inside: > >``` >class AutoLengthOOBTree(OOBTree):...

Rémy Macherel wrote at 2024-2-29 05:14 -0800: >Thanks @d-maurer for your help, do you have any example of the Pruducts usage or implementation ? "" >And also I think you're...

Éloi Rivard wrote at 2022-9-19 05:30 -0700: > ... >I would love to have a performant way to get a random element out of a BTree. > ... >Due to...

Is the problem reproducible on the result of pickling and then unpickling your tree? If this is the case, you could attach the pickle of your tree to this issue...

Matthew Christopher wrote at 2019-3-15 14:59 -0700: >@d-maurer thanks for the quick response. We're using ZODB 5.5.1, BTrees 4.5.1 > >I've attached the BTree in question saved into a basic...

Matthew Christopher wrote at 2019-3-15 14:59 -0700: >... We're using ZODB 5.5.1, BTrees 4.5.1 ... and python 3.

Matthew Christopher wrote at 2019-3-15 17:15 -0700: > ... >I've seen 5-6 additional repro's of this issue since I started looking for it, I'll make some changes to improve our...