Long lines are less long One style with https://github.com/samber/lo/blob/5777c5a3ee09f852d55a5bb5f585fcaeb5a0aedb/errors.go#L187 https://github.com/samber/lo/blob/5777c5a3ee09f852d55a5bb5f585fcaeb5a0aedb/func.go#L37 In the doc signature in the official vscode extension are also omitted  I would omit it here too, how...
### How are you using the lua-language-server? Visual Studio Code Extension (sumneko.lua) ### Which OS are you using? Linux ### What is the issue affecting? Type Checking ### Expected Behaviour...
### How are you using the lua-language-server? Visual Studio Code Extension (sumneko.lua) ### Which OS are you using? Linux ### What is the issue affecting? Type Checking ### Expected Behaviour...
I hope this is not expected behavior yet)
```lua local arg_with_long_name, function_with_long_name --- 1 function_with_long_name(function_with_long_name( arg_with_long_name, -- comment arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name )) --- 2 function_with_long_name(function_with_long_name( arg_with_long_name, --[[comment]] arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name, arg_with_long_name )) --- 3 function_with_long_name(function_with_long_name(...
I'm not a php programmer But problem is most likely in the json/msgpack libraries or PHP itself which does not have uint64. Or maybe problem arises in js. But at...
```go package main import "github.com/samber/do/v2" type Type struct { int uint64 string } func NewType(i int, u uint64, s string) Type { return Type{i, u, s} } func main() {...
```lua local class = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, key) error(("unknown: '%s'"):format(key), 2) end, }) class.__index = class local obj = setmetatable({ A = 2 }, class) assert(pcall(function() return obj.A...
At first glance, it seems that nothing interferes with this. But maybe I don’t know/understand something.
Output correct message instead crash for: ```lua error(false) ``` ``` --- false ... stack traceback: ... ``` and ```lua error(setmetatable({}, { __index = error })) -- object with field validation...