I use enums generated at runtime and since there is no way to annotate a variable as `@enum` I generate additional `@class` like this: ```lua ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local --luacheck: ignore...
another example with if ```lua ---@type integer local c = 0 c = c + 1 if true then c = c + 1 -- local c: integer if c...
> Yes, it has been discussed already. There is nothing about calculating constructor function arguments. Here we are talking about the possibility of turning a "native" constructor into ```Provider```
Often a role may have rights to a specific namespace, without access to the entire list. Just need the ability to select the namespace manually in advance, how it works...
even `luatest -h` creates a `luatest.log` file this is very strange behavior `--log /dev/null` doesn't work
Another option, maybe you just need a separate method that returns a list of all match? And in `InvokeAs` allow only one looks like related https://github.com/samber/do/issues/33
to fix 1 problem https://github.com/samber/do/issues/81
Perhaps updating the dependency will be enough `github.com/iamolegga/enviper v1.4.0 ` to [v1.4.2](https://github.com/iamolegga/enviper/releases/tag/v1.4.2)
Fix in `v1.4.2` allows to read from a file like this ```yml Map: 'key1': 'val1' 'key2': 'val2' ``` ```go var Config struct { Map map[string]string } config.NewConfReader("config").Read(&Config) ```
Honestly, I just now saw such syntax there) I needed to make this case work