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Industry: Lifestyle

Project Title: Fake News Detection WebApp

Problem Statement/Opportunity:

Fake news also referred to hoax news occupies large sphere of cyber space today world-wide.Such misinformation may lead in committingoffences,social unrest, financial frauds upon such misrepresentation, political gain, to increase number of readers, gain revenue associated with click, etc. This may also affect the affect the importance of serious news media. The primary objective is to identify the authenticity of the news and categorise it into fake and real news.

Project Description:

The primary objective is to identify the authenticity of the news and categorise it into fake and real news. In this project, Machine Learning model PassiveAggressiveClassifier is leveraged to distinguish real and fake news and it has achieved an accuracy of 93.13%. Thereafter, fake news detection web app is created using machine learning,python,html,css and flask and this project is deployed using app service in microsoft azure.

Our project uses the following azure service:

1.Web Apps

  • Azure Web Apps are Microsoft's offering to cloud to host web applications.
  • It allows developers to focus on delivering business values rather than consuming time on Sever updates or OS patches.
  • Interestingly, applications built on Java, PHP, Python, or Node. js can also be deployed on web apps.
  • It supports Continuous deployment with Git, Team Foundation Server, GitHub, and DevOps
  • It supports Built-in autoscale and load balancing.

Our project is trying to solve the problems faced cyber space today that it is becoming difficult to distinguish fake and real news. We are solving this problem by developing a web app for detecting fake news and real news and our project functionalities are mapped to the problem statement.

Project Demostration:

This is a simple Fake News Detection Web App built using python and flask and is deployed using microsoft azure.

For instance consider the given statement-

Stern asked Trump if he supported a war with Iraq, and Trump responded, “Yeah, I guess so.”


FNDetecto App will detect it as spam.

fake news

And now consider another statement-

The Corker bill makes it less likely sanctions would be lifted, and lifted in a timely way, which gives less encouragement to Iran


FNDetecto App will detect it as real news.

real news