ESPWebDAV icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ESPWebDAV copied to clipboard


Open luc-github opened this issue 4 years ago • 17 comments

I know it may need some esp32 core update but any chance for ESP32 support ?

luc-github avatar Jan 12 '21 12:01 luc-github

There are little updates done in esp8266 arduino core to enable web hooks. Unfortunately the PR is mixed with other internal changes. Functionality main changes are:

I guess the hook call in ESP 32 arduino would have to happen there.

Do you think you could make a PR of it ?

d-a-v avatar Jan 12 '21 14:01 d-a-v

So if I implement each steps - in theory it should be ok ? I give a try and report to you ^_^ thank you

luc-github avatar Jan 12 '21 14:01 luc-github

So if I implement each steps - in theory it should be ok ?

It will be OK, no reason against it.

I forgot to mention the return type in

bool WebServer::_parseRequest(WiFiClient& client)

that must be changed to ClientFuture.

d-a-v avatar Jan 12 '21 14:01 d-a-v

ok noted - thank you 👍

luc-github avatar Jan 12 '21 14:01 luc-github

@d-a-v I did first part seems working - I have followed your instructions even I have no idea of what I am doing ^_^

Testing with HelloServer.ino

/ and I got hello from esp32! in browser=>ok /dump and no answer in browser =>ok /yes and got proper answer

File Not Found

URI: /yes
Method: GET
Arguments: 0

On serial

Connected to WIFI_OFFICE_A2G
IP address:
MDNS responder started
HTTP server started
A useless web hook has passed
A useless web hook has passed
The dumper web hook is on the run
(<32> chars)Host:
Connection: (<32> chars)keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Req(<32> chars)uests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.(<32> chars)0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) (<32> chars)AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like (<32> chars)Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safar(<32> chars)i/537.36
Accept: text/html,appl(<32> chars)ication/xhtml+xml,application/xm(<32> chars)l;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,im(<32> chars)age/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/s(<32> chars)igned-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Accep(<32> chars)t-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accep(<32> chars)t-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US(<19> chars);q=0.8,en;q=0.7

Telling server to forget this connection

Now checking WebDav code but I have realized that FS of ESP32 is different from ESP8266 so cannot be drop as it is , as well as all call related to ESP8266WebServer - I will check that part first before pushing PR to ESP32 core

luc-github avatar Jan 15 '21 11:01 luc-github

The "hooked" way of using espwebdav imposes that the files on the filesystem are stored in /theHookedDirectory/. I understand that it is currently a limitation. Until this is improved, can you try to store files in the FS's directory /yes/ and check if you can see them in a webdav browser ?

d-a-v avatar Jan 15 '21 13:01 d-a-v

Sorry you misunderstood my test / is to check root /dump is the hook /yes was to go to not found handler so it is working as expect

So it is ok with Helloserver.ino, I have clarified my report

luc-github avatar Jan 15 '21 16:01 luc-github

hi here the POC

I have some refresh problem - but not sure how to address it

luc-github avatar Jan 16 '21 20:01 luc-github

OK I have followed your advice and indeed debug was part of issue the other part was the File system difference SPIFFS esp32 is different to SPIFFS

  • the file/dir detection - I use exists instead of open
  • the mkdir feature - it does not work

Helloserver.ino => Ok Simple_esp32.ino =>Ok Hooked_esp32.ino => WebDav Not working - under investigation

luc-github avatar Jan 17 '21 19:01 luc-github

the mkdir feature - it does not work

spiffs has no support for directories, but sdfs has. What FS did you try with ? Does esp32/arduino have littlefs (it has support for directories too).

d-a-v avatar Jan 17 '21 20:01 d-a-v

yes I know, I am trying with SPIFFS - ESP32 has SPIFFS/FAT /SD not yet LITTLEFS , it is planned in 2.0 but currently it can be used as external FS - I will try it later

I also suspect the pb with the hooked is also related with directory pb, a nice to have would be to separate the url from the real directory name for example use but map the / of the FS or /www/dav of FS not /dav

luc-github avatar Jan 17 '21 20:01 luc-github

The "hooked" way of using espwebdav imposes that the files on the filesystem are stored in /theHookedDirectory/.

for example use but map the / of the FS or /www/dav of FS not /dav

That is a fair request

d-a-v avatar Jan 17 '21 21:01 d-a-v

still working on difference of FS here as example the output between the 2 littleFS

ESP8266 Little FS

>>>>>>>> dir /
1.PNG                                      0MiB     76KiB 77569                                       0MiB      0KiB 6
    0.txt                                      0MiB      0KiB 0
    1.txt                                      0MiB      0KiB 0
    2.txt                                      0MiB      0KiB 0
    Capture.PNG                                0MiB     76KiB 77569
    espconf.ini                                0MiB      2KiB 2239                                  0MiB      0KiB 6
<<<<<<<< dir
interactive: F/ormat D/ir C/reateFile
Heap stats: free heap: 46536 - max block: 46296 - fragmentation: 1%
interactive: F/ormat D/ir C/reateFile
Heap stats: free heap: 46536 - max block: 46296 - fragmentation: 1%

ESP32 LittleFS

>>>>>>>> dir /
/                                 0MiB      0KiB 6
/test.file                                 0MiB      0KiB 0
    ///dav/New Text Document.txt               0MiB      0KiB 0
    ///dav/www.txt                             0MiB      0KiB 0
<<<<<<<< dir
interactive: F/ormat D/ir C/reateFile
Heap stats: free heap: 356360
interactive: F/ormat D/ir C/reateFile
Heap stats: free heap: 356360


>>>>>>>> dir /
/                                 0MiB      0KiB 6
<<<<<<<< dir
interactive: F/ormat D/ir C/reateFile
Heap stats: free heap: 356620
interactive: F/ormat D/ir C/reateFile
Heap stats: free heap: 356620

luc-github avatar Jan 18 '21 07:01 luc-github

The simple_esp32.ino is ok The hooked_esp32.ino is still failing esp8266.log esp32.log Esp32 do not have HTTP_HEAD neither keepAlive connection - so I think I have added them but I may still miss one part to make the connection to succeed here the esp32 webserver modified

I do not know what is missing 😭

luc-github avatar Jan 20 '21 20:01 luc-github

How wiring sdcard to esp32 ? how configuration pin on sourcecode? can you describe ?

agoy507 avatar Mar 27 '21 07:03 agoy507

SD cards have mmc emulation. It's on the SPI bus. You need one of the SPI buses (MISO, MOSI, CLK) and another unused GPIO for CS.

d-a-v avatar Mar 27 '21 21:03 d-a-v

thanks :D

agoy507 avatar Mar 29 '21 02:03 agoy507