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#whmcs-kami whmcs适用的简易线下卡密充值页面
关键词:whmcs | page | kami | credit | 卡密 | 充值
##测试环境 Centos7 X86_64 | Apache 2.4.6 | MySQL 5.6 | PHP 5.4.16 | WHMCS 6.2.0
##主要功能 预先设定一个或若干个卡密及其对应面额。在其他销售平台上出售卡密,用户在whmcs相关页面输入线下购买的卡密后获得对应whmcs余额。完成卡密充值后即可与其他whmcs余额充值方式一样使用余额进行产品的购买和续费。
ps:以下是原作者QQ 550014614 。我已经忘了是从哪里下载到的这个卡密充值,由于代码不是很完善所以自己修改了一下顺便发到github。
##文件下载 下载请直接至 RELEASE 页面
##文件结构 /kami.sql mysql数据库备份文件
/whmcs/kami.php 用户卡密充值主页面
/whmcs/kami_add.php 管理员快速添加卡密页
/whmcs/kami_view.php 管理员快速查看卡密数据页(可选)
/whmcs/kami_pay.php 用户卡密充值结果返回页
/whmcs/templates/six/kami.tpl 卡密充值主tpl
/whmcs/templates/six/kami_fail.tpl 卡密充值失败tpl
/whmcs/templates/six/kami_success.tpl 卡密充值成功tpl
/whmcs/templates/six/kami_withoutlogin.tpl 卡密充值未登录tpl
##文件部署注意事项 /kami.sql 用source指令还原至你的whmcs数据库,仅有一个表,表名为kami。
/whmcs/* 部署至你的whmcs根目录,注意给予正确权限。
/whmcs/templates/six/* 放入你正在使用的模板目录内,这里的目录以whmcs6.X的默认模板”six“为例。
##使用方法 管理员首先修改文件 /whmcs/kami_add.php 中的数据库设置。从第15行开始。
管理员首先修改文件 /whmcs/kami_view.php 中的数据库设置。从第2行开始。(该文件可以不使用)
管理员通过浏览器访问 http://yourwhmcs/kami_add.php 输入生成数量、金额进行卡密生成(这份文件仅在生成卡密时用到,平时可以删除或改为000权限来保证安全性)。
管理员通过浏览器访问 http://yourwhmcs/kami_view.php 可以快速查看已添加的卡密。为了方便复制卡密以使用(例如复制到淘宝自动发货机器人),文件中的column数组可以自行设定以选择显示哪些column,同时也可以设定显示用的分隔符,默认为空格(该文件为非必须文件,平时可以删除或改为000权限来保证安全性)。
用户通过浏览器访问 http://yourwhmcs/kami.php 输入卡密进行充值,根据各种情况(未登录、已登录、充值失败、充值成功)会返回各种提示。充值成功后将会增加用户余额。
##继续开发注意事项 以下是whmcs页面和模板开发帮助文档,继续开发前请务必阅读
#Whmcs-kami Simple offline top-up card recharge page for whmcs
key word:whmcs | page | kami | credit | 卡密 | 充值
##Testing environment Centos7 X86_64 | Apache 2.4.6 | MySQL 5.6 | PHP 5.4.16 | WHMCS 6.2.0
##Main function Pre-set one or more top-up card key and their denomination.Sell them on other platform,after users input the key on your whmcs,users can get correspond balance of their account.After completion of recharge to balance with top-up card,users can use the balance just like recharge with other ways.
ps:this is the first author's QQ(A kind of IM softwares used in china) number: 550014614 。I already forget where i downloaded this top-up card recharge page,Because the code is not perfect,i edit it by myself and release it on Github.
##Download Please go to RELEASE page.
##File structure /kami.sql mysql backup file
/whmcs/kami.php Main page of user recharge
/whmcs/kami_add.php Key adding page for admin
/whmcs/kami_view.php Key view page for admin(Optional)
/whmcs/kami_pay.php Recharge result returning page for user
/whmcs/templates/six/kami.tpl tpl file of main page
/whmcs/templates/six/kami_fail.tpl tpl file of recharge failed
/whmcs/templates/six/kami_success.tpl tpl file of recharge succeed
/whmcs/templates/six/kami_withoutlogin.tpl tpl file of not login
##Install /kami.sql Use source command to restore to your whmcs database,only one table called kami.
/whmcs/* Copy to your whmcs root directory,donot forget to give correct permission.
/whmcs/templates/six/* Copy to the directory which template you are using,here use whmcs6.X default template for example.
##Usage Admin first edit the database setting in file /whmcs/kami_add.php . In line 15.
Admin first edit the database setting in file /whmcs/kami_view.php . In line 2. (This file is optional)
Admin use browser to access the page http://yourwhmcs/kami_add.php input number,denomination to create keys.(This file only using when create keys,you can set to 000 permission for safety).
Admin use browser to access the page http://yourwhmcs/kami_view.php ,you can view the keys already added.For comfortably using for copy(For example,copy to TaoBao auto sell robot),The column setting in the file can choose which column to display,also can set which separator to use,default is blank(This file is optional,you can set to 000 permission for safety).
Users use browser to access the page http://yourwhmcs/kami.php ,input top-up card key to recharge,According to various situations(not login,already login,recharge failed,recharge succeed),system will return various information.If recharge success,the balance of user will increase.
##Continue develop Here is whmcs development docs,please read them first.