mazeGenerator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mazeGenerator copied to clipboard

Recursive Backtracker Maze Generation Algorithm with C++ using ncurses


mazeGenerator uses ncurses library to render characters on terminal screen and uses Recursive Backtracker algorithm to generate a random maze. It demonstrates each step, so you can watch and see how it generates a maze!

Changing the Grid Size

You can change the size of the maze by changing width and height values in config.ini file. You can also change the speed of the rendering by the changing delay value.

Installing Dependency to Compile this project

If you want to compile this project, you should first install ncurses library by using this command:


sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S ncurses


make or make build


To run the mazeGenerator :

Installing with snap

Snap command :
sudo snap install mazegen --beta