next-optimized-images icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
next-optimized-images copied to clipboard

Version 3

Open cyrilwanner opened this issue 4 years ago β€’ 76 comments


This project started out as a small package. Over time, more and more features were added and it now provides many different things and is used by many developers. But I'm not 100% happy with the current version for the following reasons:

  • it depends on many different webpack loaders which has led to some workarounds and many features cannot be combined because the loaders don't work well with each other. See #84, #91 for examples.
  • those loaders also depend on other packages which have also introduced errors/bugs where we don't have the possibility to fix them directly (as in #75).
  • while this package grew, the installation and configuration became more and more complex and I think there is some space for improvement here.


To make this package robust for the future and easy to maintain, I think the only way is to fix those issues. And this probably requires a rewrite of the whole package.

It can be broken down into multiple parts:

Webpack loaders

This is the most important part of this package and is currently out of our control. To support use-cases such as mentioned in #84 or #91 and so we are able to provide a stable plugin, I think the only way is to write an own webpack loader which does the image optimizations. That would have the following advantages:

  • all features work together (e.g. you can resize a jpg, convert it to webp and generate a lqip all at the same time, which is not possible right now)
  • we have more control over the libraries used for image optimization (that part would of course still be a 3rd party library)
  • it would be published as a separate loader and could also be used outside of a next.js project

Next.js plugin

This plugin would configure the independent webpack loader for easy use with next.js. It should also support the upcoming next.js plugin system for an easy installation.

Support run-time optimization

One of the most requested features was to be able to optimize images during run-time (e.g. from an API) and not only local images during build-time (see #104, #77, #74). With the API routes introduced in next.js 9, I think it should be possible to provide an easy-to-use service for that. It obviously can't relay on webpack, but the code used in the webpack loader should be reusable. That would have the following advantages:

  • it is possible to optimize images returned from an API/3rd party service
  • they would have exactly the same optimization options and query strings so you can use them exactly the same as a local image

But this feature would need to be defined more detailed (e.g. it would need a store, like S3, so images are not optimized on every request, and this API would be best located behind a CDN, etc.).

Provide image components

Creating an image component is not easy, especially if you want to support all features of this plugin (webp fallback, lqip, srcset, ...). And you still have to think about what happens when JS is disabled (while lazy loading), how it has to be optimized for screen readers and search engines and so on. So if you want your images to be working well for everyone, it is not just <img src={require('./image.jpg')} />, there is a lot more work to do and you don't want to do this again in every project.

So I'm thinking about providing an image component that will work well with this plugin and already does most of the things for you (non-JS fallback, a11y, lazy loading with fallbacks, ...).

It should support the following things:

Additionally, it would be nice to provide a babel plugin which makes it even easier to use this component. So instead of this:

    100: require('./image.jpg?resize&size=100'),
    300: require('./image.jpg?resize&size=300'),
    600: require('./image.jpg?resize&size=600')

You would only use it like this and the babel plugin will transform it to the way more complex way above:

<Img src={require('./image.jpg')} sizes={[100, 300, 600]} lqip />

Feedback wanted

I am of course open to any feedback on any part of this idea. Also, if you have ideas of new features, now would be the time as they could be included from the beginning of the new version.

I am not quite sure on which image optimization library this should be based on. Right now, it is mainly imagemin but I am not really happy with it since it is not easy to install, especially in some CI/CD environments since it requires specific binaries to be installed on the system. So I was thinking about using sharp as the main optimization library as it is a lot easier to install, has a great node API and is still quite fast compared to other node libraries.

Feedback on this would be very appreciated, especially:

  • has someone made experiences with both libraries? (regarding speed, simplicity, ...)
  • would you switch to another library?
  • if the decision falls for sharp, should imagemin (or others) also be additionally supported?

Is there an ETA?

No, development has started but is in the early stages. The features mentioned above are quite complex and require a lot of work, so it will probably take some weeks. But I will update this issue when progress is made and when a canary version is available.

cyrilwanner avatar Nov 06 '19 17:11 cyrilwanner

Could i suggest to use wasm for the optimization part. Squoosh uses wasm to compress images, for example this lib

AleVul avatar Nov 22 '19 07:11 AleVul

That's a good idea @AleVul, thanks! That would solve the problem with native binaries needed. I'll definitely check this option out πŸ‘

cyrilwanner avatar Nov 25 '19 17:11 cyrilwanner

Sounds awesome @cyrilwanner, are you still pursuing this?

I think this project is important and would love to see it flourish. I have no experience with Webpack stuff, but let me know if you need help with any laborious tasks or more general JS/TS parts of the library.

akd-io avatar Feb 04 '20 00:02 akd-io

Eagerly awaiting this! πŸ˜„

merelinguist avatar Mar 29 '20 20:03 merelinguist

Remote image optimization would be amazing. πŸŽ‰

fandy avatar Apr 21 '20 07:04 fandy

I'm sorry for the long silence on this issue. I just didn't have much time to work on this over the last few months, unfortunately. But yes, all this is still planned and will come. Last week, I started to work on this issue again so I'll hopefully be able to share some progress soon.

Currently, I'm working on compiling the different image optimization tools into WebAssembly so we are able to make the whole installation (especially in a CI/CD environment) a lot easier and more consistent. Squoosh, unfortunately, doesn't provide their compiled WASM binaries as packages, but I'm slowly getting there. That's probably the biggest and most time-consuming part. So once that is done, the other features are way easier to implement.

cyrilwanner avatar May 12 '20 12:05 cyrilwanner

Super cool Cyril, best of luck! πŸ’ͺ

akd-io avatar May 12 '20 12:05 akd-io

I saw your message on the Next.js discussions board and posted a message in response to another user's questions with how I did something like this. I'd be happy to help out or give a few pointers with how I implemented something like this!

jasonsilberman avatar May 12 '20 18:05 jasonsilberman

Hi @jasonsilberman and thank you very much! I'm currently still on the foundation for all those new features, but I'll come back to you when it is ready and the remote image optimization can get implemented as I saw in your comment that you already did some work in that area.

But I already have a few initial questions, if you would like to give some insights. It looks like the images get resized during upload and not on-the-fly when they get requested, is that correct? Also, did you deploy this into a cloud/serverless environment? If so, did you encounter any issues with sharp? Or any other things we should already consider or think about when planning/implementing this feature? Thanks for your help!

cyrilwanner avatar May 13 '20 09:05 cyrilwanner

Hey, really looking forward to the new Version! In the meantime I had the need for an Image Component by myself so I created one and shared it here:

It's still WIP but supports:

  • lqip image placeholder, blurred with SVG filter for best compatibility
  • blur radius adapts automatically based on the image size. Because we can't determine displayed image size in SSR, it is animated to this radius from a default radius of 40px
  • If the IntersectionObserver API is available, it only starts loading the image if it is near the viewport
  • use all height/width combinations for the Img component and the component will take care about placing the lqip exactly over the image
  • use webp as picture source by default with fallback for older browsers
  • also supports a no javascript fallback

Since you wrote, you want to provide an Image Components as well, I thought it's maybe interesting for you.

tilman avatar May 13 '20 11:05 tilman

Feedback on provided component:

Instead of using babel transform, we can use gatsby-image strategy. Something like this:

class Lquip {
  imgSrc: string;
  blur: number;
class LquipColor {
  backgroundColor: string;
class Trace {
  imgSrc: string;
interface ResponsivePictureElement extends DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement> {
  resources: {
    sources: DetailedHTMLProps<SourceHTMLAttributes<HTMLSourceElement>, HTMLSourceElement>[]
    fallbackSrc: string;
    placeholder?: Lquip | LquipColor | Trace;
    intrinsicWidth: number;
    intrinsicHeight: number

export function Picture(props: ResponsivePictureElement) {
  const { resources: { sources, fallbackSrc, placeholder, intrinsicWidth, intrinsicHeight } } = props;
  let { style } = props
  if (placeholder instanceof Lquip) {
    // TODO can `filter` be applied to `backgroundImage` ?
    style = {, backgroundImage: `url('${placeholder.imgSrc}')`, filter: `blur(${placeholder.blur}px)` }
  } else if (placeholder instanceof LquipColor) {
    style = {, backgroundColor: placeholder.backgroundColor }
  } else if (placeholder instanceof Lquip) {
    style = {, backgroundImage: `url('${placeholder.imgSrc}')` }
  style = {, height: intrinsicHeight, width: intrinsicWidth }
  return <picture {...props} style={style}>
    { => <source
    <img src={fallbackSrc} />


<Picture resources={require('./myimage.png')} />
<Picture resources={require('./myimage.png?trace&resize&size[]=300&webp')} />

The 2 above can be equivalent with preset in the config.


truongsinh avatar May 13 '20 14:05 truongsinh

Hi @jasonsilberman and thank you very much! I'm currently still on the foundation for all those new features, but I'll come back to you when it is ready and the remote image optimization can get implemented as I saw in your comment that you already did some work in that area.

But I already have a few initial questions, if you would like to give some insights. It looks like the images get resized during upload and not on-the-fly when they get requested, is that correct? Also, did you deploy this into a cloud/serverless environment? If so, did you encounter any issues with sharp? Or any other things we should already consider or think about when planning/implementing this feature? Thanks for your help!

You are right, I am processing images on upload and not on the fly. I did this because we host the images on Google Storage (with a CDN in front) and so we could not easily do resizing on the fly. Additionally, this is for a static site and we know all of the images dimensions ahead of time, so we could pre-cut all of the exact images we needed.

We have deployed our image pipeline to a serverless environment, Vercel. I have not experienced any issues with using Sharp on Vercel's platform as of yet. The one thing to be consider is that you can only write to a /tmp folder on Vercel, and so you could not save images to disk. We use the readStream and writeStream APIs so this was not an issue for us.

Hope this helps.

Some other thoughts on the plugin in general:

  • I think it would be important that you can download/upload images to S3 or other cloud providers. As this would allow images to be served over CDN, or perhaps use already uploaded user-content as your image.
  • I appreciate that you are making sure to take into considerations the accessibility, performance, and SEO implications of this plugin. I think this is also important for today's websites.
  • Lastly, while Gatsby's tools only work at build-time because of the nature of Gatsby, it would be great if we could find a way to make this work on both static and dynamic sites. I agree that it seems API Routes (for serverless deployments) or some middleware that could be used with custom servers would be ideal!

Anyway, I'm excited about the development of this plugin!

jasonsilberman avatar May 13 '20 17:05 jasonsilberman

I surprised Vercel hasn't built an image component yet. They have ones for head and link. πŸ€”

brandonpittman avatar May 18 '20 06:05 brandonpittman

+1, a nextJS version of gatsby-image would be amazing ✨

harrisrobin avatar May 19 '20 15:05 harrisrobin

Any progress on this?

liran avatar May 22 '20 00:05 liran

@cyrilwanner next-optimized-images has been an absolute life-saver, so thanks for the project.

FWIW, I recently found next-img, a somewhat similar project by @kidkarkolis. It offers a few unique things like a build cache; you might want to check it out for some inspiration.

paambaati avatar Jun 12 '20 20:06 paambaati

@paambaati glad to hear that!

I've seen that package too. And as a small update to the current state: I'm actively working on the version 3 and the first canary version is just a few days away. (I couldn't invest too much time recently since I have university exams over the next two weeks, but I think I should still get the canary version out this weekend. And after those two weeks, I'll work full-time on this package until everything is ready and released) And I can just say that all the features that package provides (and even more) are already done and will be available in the canary version. The build cache (and so way faster dev builds with optimized images) is just one of them.

I'll of course post here once the canary version is published to npm.

(And I've split this project into multiple modular packages, like one for the WebAssembly codecs, one for the webpack loader, one for the components and this which binds all together, so it could basically also be used outside of a next.js project. That's the reason why you don't see much going in in this repository. The other repositories will of course also made public when they are ready, but they are currently lacking a bit of documentation)

cyrilwanner avatar Jun 12 '20 23:06 cyrilwanner

It was a lot of work and there is still a lot to do, but the first canary version is now available πŸŽ‰

Not all planned features are already available. The remote image optimization & lazy loading components (like blur-up) are missing. But they are still planned and will get added soon to the canary version. Other than that, I think most of the planned features are now done and stable.

Some of the new features are:

  • Image optimization is performed either in node or WebAssembly - there is no need for imagemin plugins anymore and so no native binaries are required (= works in every environment out of the box)
  • Build cache for images - results in way faster builds and images are also optimized in the dev environment by default
  • Image components are provided for even easier use - there shouldn't be a need to use query params anymore normally (a babel plugin does that now for you)
  • images.config.js for global configuration and definition and re-use of image types and their options
  • Full typescript support thanks to the provided image components
  • Query params can be chained now - for example ?webp&width=400
  • ...and more. Read the readme file for an overview of all features.

I suggest you check out the readme on the canary branch for more details.

Any feedback, further ideas, or bug reports are of course very much appreciated and will help to bring the canary version to the @latest tag faster. The babel plugin for the image components probably doesn't recognize 100% of all use-cases, so if you find any, please share them if possible.

I would be very happy if some of you could test the canary version and report back if something is not working. Or if some of you have open-source projects using this package, it would already help if you can share them with me so I can see if there are some use-cases I did not think about and try it myself to update next-optimized-images to the canary version.

Also, if you find anything unclear in the readme or upgrade guide, don't hesitate to ask. It was already late when I wrote there so it is possible that not everything is 100% is explained well enough.

If you want to update this plugin in an existing project, please read the upgrading guide guide as some breaking changes were introduced.

Also, not yet all features previously available are already in the canary version. If your project depends on one of the following features, you may have to wait a few more days until they were ported into the new version:

  • Gif optimization (gif images can be used normally, they just don't get optimized)
  • ?trace query param
  • ?sprite query param

And thank you all for your continued support and feedback. I understand that it took a long time to get to this point, but I'm very happy with the result and think that it was worth it. And the remaining todos won't take that long anymore.

cyrilwanner avatar Jun 14 '20 22:06 cyrilwanner

Great work @cyrilwanner, I've given v3 a test and will look out for issues and reference them here. Might be a better way to track the v3 issues though. (having trouble building).

fandy avatar Jun 15 '20 00:06 fandy

The babel plugin does not currently recognize styled components like the one below:

import styled from '@emotion/styled';

S.Image = styled(Img)({
  width: '100%'

danielr18 avatar Jun 15 '20 01:06 danielr18

Thank you for already testing it!

I've given v3 a test and will look out for issues and reference them here. Might be a better way to track the v3 issues though.

Yes I agree, that may be the better way to track issues πŸ‘

The babel plugin does not currently recognize styled components like the one below:

import styled from '@emotion/styled';

S.Image = styled(Img)({
  width: '100%'

That is something I completely forgot about as I'm not using that in my projects. Perfect that you could test that, thank you. I'll of course add support for styled components.

cyrilwanner avatar Jun 15 '20 07:06 cyrilwanner

Hey, really looking forward to the new Version! In the meantime I had the need for an Image Component by myself so I created one and shared it here:

It's still WIP but supports:

  • lqip image placeholder, blurred with SVG filter for best compatibility
  • blur radius adapts automatically based on the image size. Because we can't determine displayed image size in SSR, it is animated to this radius from a default radius of 40px
  • If the IntersectionObserver API is available, it only starts loading the image if it is near the viewport
  • use all height/width combinations for the Img component and the component will take care about placing the lqip exactly over the image
  • use webp as picture source by default with fallback for older browsers
  • also supports a no javascript fallback

Since you wrote, you want to provide an Image Components as well, I thought it's maybe interesting for you.

I have a bug in component =( if I use Img component in div with onClick={...}

yanmezinskiy777 avatar Jun 27 '20 17:06 yanmezinskiy777

@cyrilwanner πŸ‘‹ Just checking in, and I wanted to bring to your notice the impending release of Webpack 5. As next-optimized-images relies heavily on Webpack, I wanted to understand how much effort it would take for v3 to support Webpack 5. Next.js's Webpack 5 compatibility is also close to complete.

paambaati avatar Jul 06 '20 09:07 paambaati

The babel plugin does not currently recognize styled components like the one below:

v3.0.0-canary.1 should now support styled-components. It was a bit trickier to implement than expected, so if I didn't catch all use-cases, please just share the code which is not working and I can quickly add support for it.

@cyrilwanner πŸ‘‹ Just checking in, and I wanted to bring to your notice the impending release of Webpack 5. As next-optimized-images relies heavily on Webpack, I wanted to understand how much effort it would take for v3 to support Webpack 5. Next.js's Webpack 5 compatibility is also close to complete.

Thank you for the hint! Only very few lines of code actually depend on webpack in version 3. I just took a look at the changelog and I think that the changes do not affect this plugin. But I will, of course, verify it and make changes if necessary.

cyrilwanner avatar Jul 22 '20 11:07 cyrilwanner

v3.0.0-canary.1 should now support styled-components.

@cyrilwanner Does it work with other CSS-in-JS solutions like emotion and treat?

paambaati avatar Jul 23 '20 06:07 paambaati

@cyrilwanner Does it work with other CSS-in-JS solutions like emotion and treat?

Currently, extending the provided components only works with styled-components and @emotion/styled. Unfortunately, it does not work out of the box for all CSS-in-JS solutions since they all have a different syntax. But when someone requests support for another CSS-in-JS library, I will of course do that. It shouldn't be much work to extend support for other solutions. I'll also update the error message returned in that case mentioning this.

And please note that this only applies to specifically extending the Img/Svg component (e.g. with const MyImg = styled(Img)(...);). All components of course also support the className property, so all libraries returning a class name are also supported (according to the treat example, you would use <Img className={styles.button} />). And if you just want to set a background-image property in JS, no special supports is needed as well.

cyrilwanner avatar Jul 23 '20 12:07 cyrilwanner

In addition to setting the MozjpegOptions/WebpOptions/etc. in next.config.js, could it be made possible to overwrite them for individual images in the query params and Img component props?

For example, I may want to set palette to true for a specific PNG image, or I may want my hero images to be a higher JPEG/WebP quality than the default setting, or have different quality settings for images with text, etc.

This could be pretty powerful when combined with the types in images.config.js, eg. creating different reusable types for photo, hero, thumbnail, icon, screenshot, etc. with appropriate compression settings.

davecardwell avatar Jul 29 '20 04:07 davecardwell

In addition to setting the MozjpegOptions/WebpOptions/etc. in next.config.js, could it be made possible to overwrite them for individual images in the query params and Img component props?

For example, I may want to set palette to true for a specific PNG image, or I may want my hero images to be a higher JPEG/WebP quality than the default setting, or have different quality settings for images with text, etc.

This could be pretty powerful when combined with the types in images.config.js, eg. creating different reusable types for photo, hero, thumbnail, icon, screenshot, etc. with appropriate compression settings.

It is currently not supported, but your use-case makes perfect sense and I'll add this in one of the next canary versions. Thank you for the feedback πŸ‘

cyrilwanner avatar Jul 29 '20 18:07 cyrilwanner

@cyrilwanner I had recently got up and running on the stable version, but just switched to try canary and it is a lot easier to get going without dealing with the various plugins and their librariesβ€”great job!

I have some JPEGs I’m displaying with Img set to various sizes and densities. With WebP enabled this is producing a <picture> with several <source> elements for the JPEG versions and same again for the WebP versions.

For my use case I would be fine without the various JPEG sizes, and if your browser is in the shrinking group that supports <picture> but not WebP I would be happy to just have the single JPEG fallback in the <img src="…">.

Do you think this is an option that could be supported, especially now Safari is going to support WebP. Perhaps opt-in with webp="only" or webponly or a similar setting?

davecardwell avatar Jul 29 '20 21:07 davecardwell

@davecardwell thank you for the feedback!

Yes, I was also thinking about that. The main reason I didn't do it yet was Safari not supporting WebP. And especially on mobile, Safari has a large market share and mobile devices are probably the main reason why you would want multiple sizes.

Since it is going to support it in the next version, I'll add such a setting (probably with webp="only", I like that suggestion) which could of course also be set globally in the images.config.js file.

Just be aware that if you are building a public website and your target audience are mobile users, you'll probably still want the jpeg sizes for now as WebP support in Safari is currently only in the Technology Preview version and until the majority of iOS users have updated their OS, it can still take 1-2 years.. But I hope that I'll be able to make this setting as default at one day :)

cyrilwanner avatar Jul 30 '20 09:07 cyrilwanner