Shine-MP3-Encoder-on-AS3-Alchemy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Shine-MP3-Encoder-on-AS3-Alchemy copied to clipboard

Flash/Alchemy port of the lightweight Shine MP3 Encoder

Results 14 Shine-MP3-Encoder-on-AS3-Alchemy issues
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Hi Kikko, ``` I appreciate what you provide. I imported "shine.swc" to my flex project and wanted to use it to encode wav to mp3, but I had a problem....

Hi there, I have posted this issue on the Google Code repository for this same project ( because some people have noted similar problems however I am aware that GitHub...

Hi. I just performed this test: 1. I generated a 5 seconds sine wave of 440 Hz, with an amplitude of 1. 2. I converted the ByteArray into a 16...

How can I properly dispose the resources after the encoder is no longer required? This is what i've tried: 1. I've tried setting the byte arrays and the ShineMP3Encoder object...