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Associate views with Eloquent models in Laravel

Results 11 eloquent-viewable issues
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So I'm using cyrildewit/eloquent-viewable which works fine with recoding views with post, but I would also like to be able to know if an authenticated user (User Model) has viewed...

Hello sir, I want to ask. How to add some fields to table views like add ip_address or agent_user and etc. because the default in table views does not provide...

- Eloquent Viewable: 6.0.0 - Laravel Version: 8.54 - PHP Version: 8.0.12 - Database Driver & Version: MySql 8.0 ### Description: This is happening when I'm trying to use ->orderByViews()...

Type: Bug

I am using ur package to record post view with this package `https://github.com/ansezz/laravel-gamify` so I will like to give author point when there post is viewed but the view must...

- Eloquent Viewable: 6.0 - Laravel Version: 8.40 - PHP Version: 7.4 ### Question: How do I access the total number of posts and other metrics for all the posts...

- Eloquent Viewable: 6.0 - Laravel Version: 8.12 - PHP Version: 7.4 - Database Driver & Version: ### Description: ### Steps To Reproduce: I use API and because of that...

- Eloquent Viewable: ^6.0 - Laravel Version:^8.54 - PHP Version: ^7.3 - Database Driver & Version: 7.3 ### Description: I kept encountering this strange error on my live project and...

I need to be able to know if the current visitor has already viewed a post or not. I want this to be able to sort post orderBy post not...

- Eloquent Viewable: 7.0.2 - Laravel Version: 11.2.0 - PHP Version: 8.2.12 - Database Driver & Version: 10.4.32-MariaDB ### Description: Getting error when trying to install using Laravel 11 and...