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Augmentations on GPU
Hi, great code ! I have been noticing GPU usage is a bit low (around 40%), and trying to optimize. I've been noticing that HLSTransform is very CPU intensive. Are you aware of any way to have it executed on GPU instead of CPU ? Do you think it could help ? Thanks
I haven't found any HLS implementation on GPU. It might be helpful if the color augmentation could be done on the GPU side.
Besides considering reducing the cost of data augmentation, you can also consider reducing the cost of decoding video files. Actually, for Kinetics dataset, I found that convert the default *.mp4 using the command below can significantlty speed up the decoding stage:
For example:
ffmpeg -y -i ${SRC_VID} -c:v mpeg4 -filter:v "scale=min(iw\,(256*iw)/min(iw\,ih)):-1" -b:v 512k -an ${DST_VID}
Thanks much for your feedback, this is helpful. Will give it a look.
@cypw By the way, did you try converting videos to h264 / h265 ? Did you notice a significant improvement with mpeg4 compared to those ? Thanks !
Hi, this comes a bit late but removing numpy functions as much as possible and using cv2 equivalents in the __call__
function in the RandomHLS
augmentation saves significant cpu processing time. Essentially, substituting the np.minimum
and np.maximum
. Snippet below, hope it helps.
def __call__(self, data):
assert data.ndim == 3, 'cannot operate on a single channel'
h, w, c = data.shape
assert c % 3 == 0, "input channel = %d, illegal" % c
num_ims = c//3
random_vars = tuple(int(round(self.rng.uniform(-x, x))) for x in (self.vars + [0]))
augmented_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
for i_im in range(0, num_ims): # for every image do the magic
start, end = 3*i_im, 3*(i_im+1)
augmented_data[:, :, start:end] = cv2.cvtColor(data[:, :, start:end], cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS)
augmented_data[:, :, start:end] = cv2.add(augmented_data[:, :, start:end], random_vars, dtype=cv2.CV_8UC3)
mask = cv2.inRange(augmented_data[:, :, start], 0, 180)
augmented_data[mask == 0, start] = 180
augmented_data[:, :, start:end] = cv2.cvtColor(augmented_data[:, :, start:end], cv2.COLOR_HLS2RGB)
return augmented_data