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Docker images with Cypress dependencies and browsers

Cypress Docker Images CircleCI

These images provide all of the required dependencies for running Cypress in Docker.

We build three main images, click on the image name to see the available tags and versions.

Image Default Description Monthly pulls
cypress/base cypress/base:16.13.0 All operating system dependencies, no Cypress, and no browsers. Docker Pulls
cypress/browsers cypress/browsers:chrome69 All operating system dependencies and some browsers. Docker Pulls
cypress/included cypress/included:9.4.1 All operating system dependencies, Cypress, and some browsers installed globally. Docker Pulls

Of these images, we provide multiple tags for various operating systems and specific browser versions. These allow you to target specific combinations you need.

Best practice

It is recommended to use a specific image tag, and not rely on the default tag. For example, it is better to use cypress/base:12 than cypress/base. Even better it is to use full version of the image, like cypress/base:12.18.0 - we will never overwrite the existing Docker images to prevent accidental changes.


All of the images and tags are published to DockerHub under


These images have all dependencies necessary to install and run Cypress. Just install your NPM dependencies (including Cypress) and run the tests. We utilize many of these docker images in our own projects, with different CI providers.

Check out our docs for examples.

If you want to use the cypress/included image, read Run Cypress with a single Docker command

  • examples/included-as-non-root shows how to build a new Docker image on top of cypress/included image and run the tests as non-root user node.
  • examples/included-as-non-root-alternative shows another approach to allow built-in non-root user node to run tests using cypress/included image.
  • examples/included-as-non-root-mapped shows how to build a Docker image on top of cypress/included that runs with a non-root user that matches the id of the user on the host machine. This way, the permissions on any files created during the test run match the user's permissions on the host machine.
  • examples/included-with-plugins shows how to use locally installed Cypress plugins while running cypress/included image.

Common problems

Cannot run post-install hook

Some versions of Node restrict running the postinstall hook with the following error message:

lifecycle [email protected]~postinstall: cannot run in wd [email protected]

In that case run install with npm install --unsafe-perm flag, or set an environment variable in the container

npm_config_unsafe_perm: true

Blank screen in Chrome

When running headed tests with X11 forwarding in Cypress v4 you might see a blank Chrome screen. Try disabling memory sharing by setting the following environment variables:

export QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1
export _X11_NO_MITSHM=1
export _MITSHM=0

See issue #270


