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(WebKit) NoAuth page redirection not happening?
On my fork I tested out running the E2E tests on WebKit in GH Actions MacOS, and consistently got this error for
1) URL handling
reroutes to noAuth page if user isnt authorised:
Error: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
It was caused by an unhandled promise rejection.
(The error message is empty)
Found this:
Sounds like there are multiple redirects going on in the same operation. I get the impression this error might also be ocouring in other browsers, but is only surfacing in the WebKit tests due to this snippet I extracted from the traceback:
// If the runner can communicate, we should setup all events, otherwise just setup the window and fire the load event.
if (isRunnerAbleToCommunicateWithAUT) {
if (this.Cypress.isBrowser('webkit')) {
// WebKit's unhandledrejection event will sometimes not fire within the AUT
// due to a documented bug:
// To ensure that the event will always fire (and always report these
// unhandled rejections to the user), we patch the AUT's Error constructor
// to enqueue a no-op microtask when executed, which ensures that the unhandledrejection
// event handler will be executed if this Error is uncaught.
const originalError = autWindow.Error;
autWindow.Error = function __CyWebKitError(...args) {
autWindow.queueMicrotask(() => {});
return originalError.apply(this, args);
If this is the case, avoiding the double redirect would be the best outcome.
I can't think how we would be redirecting more than once
Worth jamming some logging in to find out if this is the case.
Also worth looking at the error, it says we are redirecting from /
to {}
which looks like an error too, could possibly be cause the re-re-direct if it's an invalid page?
There was another error in the console (which may be unrelated): "[Network] undefined"