CyberReverse copied to clipboard
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they had any issues while using or anything, I would like to know if this bunifu is safe, I don't want to get my computer infected with a RAT or any kind of malware, Please and thank you.
you can decompile the dll. the file is not obfuscated.
is completely safe
you can decompile the dll. the file is not obfuscated.
Yeah i figured a few minutes after i posted the comment, big thanks to.
System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: 'This product does not have a valid Bunifu UI WinForms license to run.' , Compile fine but , when start crash
System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: 'This product does not have a valid Bunifu UI WinForms license to run.' , Compile fine but , when start crash
check this #5
hello install as you showed in the video but when I use bunifutextbox it generates an ambiguity error in visual basic .net
hello install as you showed in the video but when I use bunifutextbox it generates an ambiguity error in visual basic .net
Please create another issue for this. I dont know if this is compatible with visual basic. provide a screenshot of the error message.
Bunifu.UI.WinForms.Deprecated detele reference and all Okay
El mar, 21 sept 2021 a las 11:15, Dolo @.***>) escribió:
hello install as you showed in the video but when I use bunifutextbox it generates an ambiguity error in visual basic .net
Please create another issue for this. I dont know if this is compatible with visual basic. provide a screenshot of the error message.
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Atte, Dany Trillos Morales Ingeniero de Sistemas 3175022830
Con la Bendición de YHWH. Amén.
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يمكنك فك ملف dll. لم يتم تشويش الملف. can you giv me your account discord or telegram ?