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Support for JSONB where clauses in PostgreSQL
Is there any opportunity to find out if JSONB field contains one value or array of values using Cycle ORM ?
Example for Eloquent ORM:
$users = DB::table('users') ->whereJsonContains('options->languages', 'en') ->get();
$users = DB::table('users') ->whereJsonContains('options->languages', ['en', 'de']) ->get();
Need some help or a bit of time to implement it.
Yes, that would be great...
Have you tried new Expression or Fragment syntax? It now supports optional parameters that make SQL composing for some dialects easier.
Not yet, I've only been playing with this orm for the first few days. I will look in the near future when I will do some aggregations for jsonb columns en postgres... Thanx.
Have you tried new Expression or Fragment syntax? It now supports optional parameters that make SQL composing for some dialects easier.
@wolfy-j maybe you could help me build query with "WHERE json_column_name ? 'some string'"?
I tried to use expression, but with no success (
->where(new Expression("json_column_name ? 'some_value'"))
->where('json_column_name', '?', 'some_value')
get me
SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"
LINE 3: WHERE "output_urls" $1 '"some_value"'
When i switched driver to sqlite to take a look on the result sql in this case, i got expected error
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near "?": syntax error
When driver set to sqlite ?
sign doesn't replace with $1
But with postgres driver the result sql query contains $1
Escaping ?
with one or few \
doesn't halps: result sql query contains \$1
in this case.
Any ideas?
sign is very helpful to work with json array of strings...
Can you give us the full example and query you are trying to build?
Hello! Yesterday, after some hours in the orm and the driver source code, i found that problem was in php-pdo extension. It was fixed in 7.4.
https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=71885 https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pdo_escape_placeholders
"Question marks can be escaped by doubling them".
But before i found it, i fixed my case with by replacing ?
with jsonb_exists
postgres function.
So I assume this issue is not an issue anymore?
I well check how the question mark doubling works with ORM query builder.
I checked escaping with doubling it - it work great with ORM too. My example is
->where(new Fragment(sprintf("field_name ?? '%s'", $textToFind)))
Thanks for your work.