James Terwilliger

Results 18 issues of James Terwilliger

There are already data policies at ingress for data that arrives "late". We can drop, adjust, or throw when data arrives late, and we can hold data in reserve for...

help wanted
good first issue

The present (default) implementation of Trill has all memory management done by .Net and in-memory. We are in the process of making implementations of Trill operators that use the FASTER...

**Requirement 1: Create an analogue to IQueryable or IQbservable for IStreamable.** That means having a new interface, IQStreamable, and a provider class, IStreamProvider, that can build up an expression in...

Implement progressive versions of hopping and tumbling windows: - Both window macro methods should get added versions that take an additional parameter - The parameter should represent the time interval...

help wanted
good first issue

Currently, the Trill ingress code only allows a single disorder policy to be specified. Research has been done to allow that restriction to be loosened to multiple disorder policies set...

All ingress methods into Trill currently rely on IObservable and thus rely on push semantics. If one wants to ingress data from an IEnumerable, one must first use an external...

Performance numbers for FFT in the digital signal processing library were based on a native implementation of the algorithms in .Net Framework. The OSS release of Trill and all of...

For a data structure with fields a, b, and c, if the downstream query operators never refer to field a directly but instead refer to a.d.z, or a["bacon"], or some...

One can always create custom adapters for data in any format and convert it into IObservable or IObservable. However, for some operations, it may instead make sense to instead compile...

In the current implementation, generated code artifacts are created on demand. That implies a code generation session for each generated operator, a generation session for each generated batch subtype, and...