vscode-gengetset copied to clipboard
Generate Getter and / or Setter Extension for Visual Studio Code
https://github.com//cybertim/vscode-gengetset/issues?utf8=✓&q=is:issue+state:open+"Extension+causes+high+cpu+load" [DSKWRK.vscode-generate-getter-setter-unresponsive.cpuprofile.txt](https://github.com/cybertim/vscode-gengetset/files/4203207/DSKWRK.vscode-generate-getter-setter-unresponsive.cpuprofile.txt)
Steps to reproduce, 1. write a class 2. Add private readonly variable 3. Try to generate constructor / getter / setter, it wont work
When using ESLint with [adjacent-overload-signatures](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/master/packages/eslint-plugin/docs/rules/adjacent-overload-signatures.md), as setter and getter are not grouped together, ESLint issue an error. An enhancement would be to try grouping theses.
Currently only private properties of a class are considered. There should be a second "Constructor"-Command like "Generating Constructor for all properties" Only by using constructors, even for public properties, you...
- Issue Type: `Performance` - Extension Name: `vscode-generate-getter-setter` - Extension Version: `0.5.0` - OS Version: `Windows_NT x64 6.1.7601` - VSCode version: `1.33.1` :warning: Make sure to **attach** this file from...
Generated comments are considered unclean code because they do not add value. Could you please add an option to not generate comments when generating getters and setters?
- Issue Type: `Performance` - Extension Name: `vscode-generate-getter-setter` - Extension Version: `0.5.0` - OS Version: `Linux x64 5.0.7-1-MANJARO` - VSCode version: `1.33.1` :warning: Make sure to **attach** this file from...
When I click on "Getter and Setter All" is shown the list of properties of my class, I can't find the way how to mark all of them. How should...
- Issue Type: `Performance` - Extension Name: `vscode-generate-getter-setter` - Extension Version: `0.5.0` - OS Version: `Darwin x64 18.5.0` - VSCode version: `1.33.1` :warning: Make sure to **attach** this file from...
- Issue Type: `Performance` - Extension Name: `vscode-generate-getter-setter` - Extension Version: `0.5.0` - OS Version: `Windows_NT x64 10.0.17134` - VSCode version: `1.32.3` :warning: Make sure to **attach** this file from...