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Python API to the Hildebrand/Glowmarkt/Bright API for smart meter consumption data



Python API to the Bright/Glowmarkt/Hildebrand API for energy consumption. There is a python API and a command-line script.

For instructions on use with Home Assistant, see


pip3 install pyglowmarkt

API example usage


You need an account from

from glowmarkt import *

cli = BrightClient("[email protected]", "MyP4ssword!")

Discover virtual entities and resources

A virtual entity is e.g. your Glowmarkt device or SMETS2 smart meter. A virtual entity has multiple resource e.g.

  • Electricity consumption
  • Electricity cost
  • Gas consumption
  • Gas cost
ents = cli.get_virtual_entities()

for ent in ents:
    for res in ent.get_resources():
        print("  %s:" %

Meter readings over a period of time

Assuming we've got a resource from the discovery above...

get_readings returns a list. Each element of the list is a [timestamp, value] pair which will be a KWH or Pence object. Use value.value to fetch the floating point value, or str(value) to represent as a string with the kWh/pence unit.

# Get time now, and 4 hours ago, this is the reading window
now =
t_from = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=4)
t_to = now

# Results will be summarised at one hour readings
period = "PT1H"

# Round times to start of period boundary
t_from = resource.round(t_from, period)
t_to = resource.round(t_to, period)

rdgs = resource.get_readings(t_from, t_to, period)
for r in rdgs:
    print("    %s: %s" % (

Timezones are managed according to t_from and t_to. If you want to use GMT timezone, make sure t_from and t_to are set to use that timezone.


t = res.get_tariff()
print("    Tariff: rate=%.1f standing=%.1f" % (

Not implemented / tested

The API provides the means to get the current value of a resource (the last data point acquired) and the meter reading (the cumulative value, the number you would see if you go and look at the meter.

I can't get these to work, maybe not implemented, or maybe only work with Glowmarkt hardware (I'm testing with a SMETS2 meter).

Command line


Accesses the bright account and dumps out each resource's readings, and tariff information, human readable.

usage: glowmarkt-dump [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
                      [--minutes MINUTES] [--period PERIOD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        Bright account username
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Bright account password
  --minutes MINUTES, -m MINUTES
                        Number of minutes to look back
  --period PERIOD, -d PERIOD
                        Summary period (default: PT1H)


$ glowmarkt-dump -u '[email protected]' -p 'p4ssw0rd' -m 240 -d PT1H
Entity: DCC Sourced
  electricity consumption:
    2021-06-28 16:00:00: 0.000000 kWh
    2021-06-28 17:00:00: 0.506000 kWh
    2021-06-28 18:00:00: 2.355000 kWh
    2021-06-28 19:00:00: 0.282000 kWh
    2021-06-28 20:00:00: 0.000000 kWh
    current: Not implemented.
    meter reading: Not implemented.
    Tariff: rate=16.3 standing=28.8
  electricity cost:
    2021-06-28 16:00:00: 0.000000 p
    2021-06-28 17:00:00: 8.257920 p
    2021-06-28 18:00:00: 38.433600 p
    2021-06-28 19:00:00: 4.602240 p
    2021-06-28 20:00:00: 0.000000 p
    current: Not implemented.
    meter reading: Not implemented.
    Tariff: rate=16.3 standing=28.8


Accesses the readings for all resources with a particular classifier and writes out readings in CSV format. Would be used with e.g.

  • electricity.consumption
  • electricity.consumption.cost
  • gas.consumption
  • gas.consumption.cost
usage: glowmarkt-csv [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
                     [--classifier CLASSIFIER] [--minutes MINUTES]
                     [--period PERIOD] [--no-header]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        Bright account username
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Bright account password
  --classifier CLASSIFIER, -c CLASSIFIER
                        Resource classifier to use (default:
  --minutes MINUTES, -m MINUTES
                        Number of minutes to look back
  --period PERIOD, -d PERIOD
                        Summary period (default: PT1H)
  --no-header, -n       Suppress CSV header


$ scripts/glowmarkt-csv  -u '[email protected]' -p 'p4ssw0rd' \
    -m 240 -d PT30M -c electricity.consumption.cost
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T06:30:00,2.59488,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T07:00:00,1.82784,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T07:30:00,2.1216,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T08:00:00,2.31744,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T08:30:00,11.21184,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T09:00:00,3.1008,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T09:30:00,0,pence
DCC Sourced,121d3e6d-ccea-4b46-8b37-798d5cd880b3,2021-06-29T10:00:00,0,pence


Shows cumulative consumption for today (since midnight local time).

Accesses the readings for all resources with a particular classifier and writes out readings in CSV format. Would be used with e.g.

  • electricity.consumption
  • electricity.consumption.cost
  • gas.consumption
  • gas.consumption.cost
usage: glowmarkt-today [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
                       [--classifier CLASSIFIER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        Bright account username
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Bright account password
  --classifier CLASSIFIER, -c CLASSIFIER
                        Resource classifier to use (default:


$ scripts/glowmarkt-today  -u '[email protected]' -p 'p4ssw0rd' \
    -c electricity.consumption


Gets cumulative consumption for today (since midnight local time) and pushes the value to an MQTT topic.

Accesses the readings for all resources with a particular classifier and writes out readings in CSV format. Would be used with e.g.

  • electricity.consumption
  • electricity.consumption.cost
  • gas.consumption
  • gas.consumption.cost
usage: glowmarkt-mqtt [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
                      [--classifier CLASSIFIER]
                      [--mqtt-hostname MQTT_HOSTNAME]
                      [--mqtt-username MQTT_USERNAME]
                      [--mqtt-password MQTT_PASSWORD] [--topic TOPIC]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        Bright account username
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Bright account password
  --classifier CLASSIFIER, -c CLASSIFIER
                        Resource classifier to use (default:
  --mqtt-hostname MQTT_HOSTNAME, --host MQTT_HOSTNAME
                        MQTT hostname (default: localhost)
                        MQTT username
                        MQTT password
  --topic TOPIC, -t TOPIC
                        MQTT topic to publish to (default:

Simple test:

  • Assume Mosquitto is running (or just run mosquitto).
  • Run a subscriber: mosquitto_sub -t glowmarkt/consumption
  • Publish a reading: glowmarkt-mqtt -u USER -p PASSWORD