IG-blaster copied to clipboard
Error if try run
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kali/IG-blaster/igblast.py", line 23, in
I am trying to fix.
how to run it
First of all, go to the IG-blaster folder, then go to the libs and click on the "utils.py" and copy all the code. After that you must create a file on libs called "init.py" and paste the code that you've copied from utils.py on init.py
Finally, open the terminal cd IG-blaster, igblast.py and the script will work fine.
Sorry for my bad English guys.
If you didn't understand or the error still existjust contact me on telegram: @Ivan_Uper
Note: on init.py git hub doesn't allow me to put __ and __. So first you must put __ then init then __ and then .py