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C++ and python Inference only for MTCNN face detector on Tensorflow. Based on davidsandberg's facenet project:

Results 8 tensorflow-mtcnn issues
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I am using P5000 GPU with GPU memory of ~16GB.. This application uses 15.18GB as soon as it is launched!! is it expected? I am working with standalone version of...

Hi, I compiled the mtcnn embeded codes,then run it,got an error as below: ../../lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64:/usr/local/lib: 2017-12-27 11:02:44.944551: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:137] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to...

help wanted

Thanks for the code. how the model is freeze to mtcnn_frozen_model.pb? I trained pnet, rnet and onets with tensoflow and the layer names things is quite different from yours and...

Hi, cyberfire, Thanks for you codes. when I build the C++ version (tf_embedded) use bazel, there were some errors. It looks like that the tensorflow version dost not match well....

Please review MTCNN TensorFlow code at https://github.com/look4pritam/TensorFlowMTCNN on CelebA branch.

I have imported the c++ code into eclipse, I am trying to run test.cpp , but I am unable to read .jpg images , though am able to read .png...

I am using face detection using tensorflow 1.4 , but get below error while executing the code `/home/ashok/eclipseWorkspace/faceRecognition-x86_64_MTCNN/Libraries/tensorflow/include/tensorflow/core/lib/core/refcount.h:79] Check failed: ref_.load() == 0 (1 vs. 0) ` generated from `Status...