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A Python library for solving maximum coverage location problem

Maximum coverage location problem (MCLP)

This repository provides a Python implementation of solving a classical instance of the maximum coverage location problem described in Church 1974.

The problem is defined as: given N points, find K circles with radius of r to cover as many points as possible.

  • Example 1: Select 20 circles with radius of 0.1 to cover 300 points (uniform distribution)


(M is the number of candidate sites and C is the number of points covered)

  • Example 2: Select 20 circles with radius of 0.2 to cover 300 points (moon distribution)


Problem formulation

The method randomly generates a set of candidate sites within the region of the input points. The problem is then solved by integer programming.

The mathematical formulation is given below:


Demo and usage

from mclp import *
import numpy as np
Npoints = 300
from sklearn.datasets import make_moons
points,_ = make_moons(Npoints,noise=0.15)

# Number of sites to select
K = 20

# Service radius of each site
radius = 0.2

# Candidate site size (random sites generated)
M = 100

# Run mclp 
# opt_sites is the location of optimal sites 
# f is the number of points covered
opt_sites,f = mclp(points,K,radius,M)

# Plot the result 

Check the jupyter-notebook demo.ipynb.

To run the example interactively, inside the project directory type the command



  • Python 2.7
  • Scipy, Numpy (available as part of Anaconda)
  • Shapely
  • Gurobi, commercial software (free for academic usage)

It is recommended to use Anaconda directly, where the packages can be installed with pip or conda.

pip install shapely
conda config --add channels
conda install gurobi


Can Yang, Ph.D. student at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden

Email: cyang(at)

