
Results 69 comments of cyBerta

You probably know that, but for anybody else stumbling over this ticket. If you want currently to share a part of a contact you can do that by long-tapping e.g....

One thing that really annoys me is if I read a message and the message jumps after a minute, because the time label was updated and the list is already...

@dignifiedquire did you import your database? I vaguely remember you said you uninstalled the app in between? I'm asking because if it is an backup, it might help to reproduce/debug...

If you're in debugging mood: could you try to create a breakpoint just before the fatalError is shown and enter in the lldb debug console `po FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")!.appendingPathComponent("accounts"), includingPropertiesForKeys:...

@r10s mentioned we should try to reproduce that update path described by @dignifiedquire I can try next week, although I would feel more comfortable if I could use two testing...

> xcode is currently not willing to start debug mode anymore on my iphone -.- 💃 update dance 🕺 , it's so fun

aand reopend and on top of our list

@neilalexander I would be interested in helping with this feature, especially for the multicast-only use-case. Is there a particular reason why app only supports 1MB messages? Just increasing the hard-coded...

I can only reproduce that bug in a multi-account scenario if the selected account is not the one the one-on-one chat belongs to. Is that the case for you as...