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JSON-RPC 2.0 server/client for Common Lisp.
Please excuse me for the noob question, asking the same on #clschool didn't turn up anything, so I am asking here. I am starting a jsonrpc server, once the work...
When binding to tcp server inside Bordeaux Thread on MacOS QuickLisp gets stuck and server is not bound to port Basically what happens is that (ql:quickload "jsonrpc/transport/tcp" :silent t) is...
ahttps://github.com/fukamachi/jsonrpc/pull/18 をstdioにも適用しました
* Bugfix communication locks. * Modify error conditions. * Rewrite call-to with chanl.
This tries to prevent signaling errors when the server is shut down or a client disconnects. Such errors can come from (1) trying to interrupt a thread that has already...
I need RPC calls from server to client over websockets. From my understanding, only calling from client to server is supported?
Sometime, call function does not return value. ``` (ql:quickload :jsonrpc) ;; server (defvar *server* (jsonrpc:make-server)) (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (jsonrpc:expose *server* "sum" (lambda (args) (reduce #'+ args))) (jsonrpc:server-listen *server* :port 50879...
Also, now both Websocket and HTTP transports are export MAKE-CLACK-APP functions. This is useful, when you want to combine api application with some other Clack applications using :mount middleware. HTTP...
A way to learn that reconnection is required should be added.
I noticed, that each connected client consumes 2 threads. One thread is created by Hunchentoot and other by JSONRPC: ``` # # ``` it will relatively easy to do DoS...