shinyhelper copied to clipboard
helper does not display when a UI element has the id "bootstrap"
I love the package and use it often in production. I just ran into a tricky bug when starting to integrate the help system into an existing application. I had a tableOutput that displayed the results from a bootstrap resampling process. I gave it the outputId of "bootstrap". Apparently any element with the id "bootstrap" will cause shinyhelper to not trigger the display of the modal dialogs. I assume this is due to a name clash.
Here is a repro where changing "bootstrap" to "bootstrap1" fixes the issue:
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("var", "y", choices = c("a","b")) %>%
helper(type = "inline", title = "Foo bar",
content = c("Hello world")),
numericInput( "bootstrap", "x", value = 10, min = 1)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)