notie icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
notie copied to clipboard

Android note App complies with Material You specifications, developed using Java.


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Android note App complies with Material You specifications, developed using Java.

Screenshot Screenshot
Multi select App drawer
Settings Note info

App wide dark screen

Note wide dark screen

Edit wide dark screen


See the releases.


Local Development

Environment requirements:

  • SDK: Android 14.0 ("UpsideDownCake")

    • Android SDK Platform 34
    • Sources for Android 34
    • Google APls Intel x86_64 Atom System Image
  • Android Gradle Plugin Version: 8.1.4

  • Gradle Version: 8.0

1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd notie

2. Open the code using Android Studio

studio64 .


To spend more time coding and less time fiddling with whitespace, this project uses code conventions and styles to encourage consistency. Code with a consistent style is easier (and less error-prone!) to review, maintain, and understand.

Be consistent

If the style guide is not explicit about a particular situation, the cardinal rule is to be consistent. For example, take a look at the surrounding code and follow its lead, or look for similar cases elsewhere in the codebase.


Follow the Google Java Style Guide.


  • 2 space indentation
  • Resource naming (including IDs) is lowercase_with_underscores
  • Attribute ordering:
    1. xmlns:android
    2. other xmlns:
    3. android:id
    4. style
    5. android:layout_ attributes
    6. android:padding attributes
    7. other android: attributes
    8. app: attributes
    9. tool: attributes



This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 License.