duckpgq-extension copied to clipboard
DuckDB extension that adds support for SQL/PGQ
```sql CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH MovieRentals VERTEX TABLES ( Customer KEY (Cust_ID) PROPERTIES (First_Name, Last_Name, Gender), Movie KEY (Movie_ID) PROPERTIES (Title, Genre, Budget / List_Price AS Cost_Ratio) ) EDGE TABLES (...
SQL/PGQ allows for every column mentioned in the PROPERTIES (list of columns) to have an alias. This is currently not supported Adding support for this requires that the PropertyGraphTable->column_names will...
Check if the method `CheckEdgeTableConstraints` should also be called on the `any` edge type
Following query fails: ```sql -CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH pg3 VERTEX TABLES ( School LABEL School IN School_kind (Hogeschool, University) ) EDGE TABLES ( Students SOURCE KEY ( src ) REFERENCES School...
Similar to cheapest path, template the number of lanes such that the minimal required number of lanes is used depending on the number of source-destination pairs
Do many terminate early and wait for a lower number of lanes to finish?
For the various algorithms, experiment with the number of lanes to use 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 - [ ] Shortest path - [ ] Bidirectional...
After CSR creation, run connected component analysis. An optimization would be to look at whether the source and destination are in the same connected component (store this in the CSR...
Related to cwida/duckpgq-extension#30 Once a lane is finished it currently sits idle until all lanes have been completed. It could be an improvement to reuse lanes as soon as they...