Chris Weber
Chris Weber
See test cases: idna2008 - 1 idna2008 - 3 IE's DOM property for hostname is the pure Unicode version of the label, e.g. "βόλοσ" which does not match the GET...
Should I modify results to account for this? Otherwise most tests fail in IE where they could be said to pass.
See: Identify Java's normalization form when handling Unicode - is this documented? If so, skip the following tests. If not documented, test major versions to identify: - normalization behavior...
See: Identify Python's normalization form when handling Unicode - is this documented? If so, skip the following tests. If not documented, test major versions to identify: - normalization behavior...
See: Identify Ruby's normalization form when handling Unicode - is this documented? If so, skip the following tests. If not documented, test major versions to identify: - normalization behavior...
See: Identify glibc core string encoding APIs, and test major versions to document: - best-fit mapping behavior - does the API best-fit characters by default? - override options -...
See: Identify VC++ core string encoding APIs, and test major versions to document: - best-fit mapping behavior - does the API best-fit characters by default? - override options -...
See: Identify ICU's core string encoding APIs, and test major ICU versions to document: - best-fit mapping behavior - does the API best-fit characters by default? - override options...
See: Test major iconv versions to document: - best-fit mapping behavior - does the API best-fit characters by default? - override options - can default be overridden? One way...
See: Identify Java's core string encoding APIs, and test major Java versions to document: - best-fit mapping behavior - does the API best-fit characters by default? - override options...