Christian Walther
Christian Walther
I once implemented the same thing, but then didn’t submit it because I discovered that it’s not needed: The HTML client transfers files with a relative path, which means they...
I’m curious, in how far is this not already solved by #16? I don’t have to type my IP addresses every time, because they are stored in my browser history...
Unless I’m misunderstanding the request, this is already supported (and has been for a long time). Maybe the bold font used for it is not noticeable enough? One version I...
Oh, and, probably a duplicate of #30.
Rebased on master.
I didn’t study it in detail, but I seem to be able to avoid this by using _src/widget.js_ instead of _public/js/widget.js_. Why does _widget.js_ need to go through webpack anyway,...
Shall I rebase this to get the extra commits out of the way, now that they are merged?
OK, rebased on master, with no changes to the code. Sure, I am open to discussion. Other than the aliasing with the `layer` parameter, which can easily be removed if...
@t-paul, I’m sorry for the silence, I must have missed your comment from 8 Feb or ignored it because I had too much going on myself, and then forgot about...
@celer, your version still doesn’t totally follow the new code style, it still has some tabs that I originally wrote that should now be spaces and other minor style differences....