tator copied to clipboard
Video analytics web platform
Use [black](https://github.com/psf/black) and [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) to automate style formatting for python code.
An indicator/message telling the user they are trying to edit read-only fields and/or annotations would improve the user experience.
The cron jobs that manage the archive/restore lifecycle of media are defined in the following files: * `main/management/commands/archivemedia.py` * `main/management/commands/requestrestoration.py` * `main/management/commands/finishrestoration.py` Create unit tests to cover the intended behaviors...
Allow downloading of streamable files through UI. If fragmented streaming files are less than ideal, use mp4box.js to convert them to normal mp4 files prior to insertion into the zipstream.
On every change to a `Media` object, there should be a corresponding `ChangeLog` object that describes the difference between the two states. This happens in the REST endpoints, so when...
Media level height/width attributes are confusing when both archival and streaming versions of the media file are present at multiple resolutions. - Some convention, other than 'first uploaded resolution file'...
It makes sense for some operations to be applied to all clones of a media object, so add an option to the patch method on the Medias endpoint to also...
For consistency with other endpoints, I would suggest renaming the code generated functions corresponding to different methods from: `add_attribute` `rename_attribute` `delete_attribute` to `create_attribute_type` `update_attribute_type` `delete_attribute_type` Also, because the `PATCH` method...
Audio is always muted when loading a new video. It would be nice if the audio setting was saved when navigating between videos in the annotator.