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Video analytics web platform
The filter UI in project detail or localization gallery could benefit from doing descendant searches on sections vs. just equality.
Something is creating localization associations to frame states in the backend. If the frame state is on a multi; once that occurs, it loses association with all 3 sub-media. Fixes:...
Problem: The New State dialog doesn't prevent video seeking. If the user seeks while the modal is up, the state gets created on the frame that was open when the...
It seems like the Frame value of states/boxes is getting displayed oddly if attributes exist with the word frame in them.
**Category** Feature Request **Problem** It's tedious to open a folder/section and it's child folders manually with the chevron arrow in the project detail page. **Request** Have a menu option and...
**Category** Feature Request **Problem** Currently canvas applets don't get the freshData callback on patches. This forces applets to have a manual reset that is asynchronous with the update call. **Request**...
It may make sense to the project totals be calculated continuously based on a trigger vs. a periodic cron job. The project total can be incorrect if any periodic task...
From unit tests: ```main/tests.py: 359 warnings /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py:45: RemovedInDjango50Warning: In Django 5.0, ArrayAgg() will return None instead of an empty list if there are no rows. Pass default=None to opt into...
**Category** Bugfix **Problem** The year field in the `datetime-input.js` component accepts a 6 digit year. This makes it easy to accidentally put in an incorrect date. **Request** Only accept 4...
Viewing stereo images would be very helpful for comparing model output side-by-side for robotics research applications. Do you have an estimate of the level of effort this would require? I'm...