Vinayak Kariappa Chettimada
Vinayak Kariappa Chettimada
> Just my 2c, but latency will likely need to be a major consideration here. The Zephyr GPIO abstraction has some cost, even when used in kernel mode. It might...
I would start with designing based on the requirement of the protocol. This is what is happening in the timeline of a connectable advertiser, in the Zephyr Controller implementation (do...
> > Not sure. May be we can simply disable radio? Controller will gracefully handle such radio disable already. > > Maybe for the first implementation, we could support coexistance...
> Have you identified, which PPI/DPPI channels to use for the COEX0 (BT Controller -> LTE Modem). ? I saw that their are defined in `bt_ctlr_used_resources.h` i'm not quite sure...
@optical-o I will review your comments here on Friday, and reply back then.
> @cvinayak I have prepared PR #51419, which should be somewhat functional and comply with the zephyr PR policies. Will you find some time to review it this week ?...