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Jump to Chinese character by pinyin with `avy' or `ace-jump-mode`

#+TITLE: ace-pinyin [[][file:]] [[][file:]]

Jump to Chinese characters using =avy= or =ace-jump-mode=.

使用 =avy= 或者 =ace-jump-mode= 跳转到中文字符。

  • Setup Install via [[][melpa]].

    Or if you prefer to install this package manually: : (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/ace-pinyin.el") : (require 'ace-pinyin)

  • Usage By default this package is using =avy=. If you want to use =ace-jump-mode=, set =ace-pinyin-use-avy= to =nil=.

    Note =ace-pinyin-use-avy= variable should be set BEFORE you call =ace-pinyin-global-mode= or =turn-on-ace-pinyin-mode=.

    Example config to use =ace-pinyin= globally: : ;; (setq ace-pinyin-use-avy nil) ;; uncomment if you want to use `ace-jump-mode' : (ace-pinyin-global-mode +1)

  • Supported Commands When using =avy=, all =avy= commands (as of 05/06/2016) related to char/word jumping are supported:

    • =avy-goto-char=
    • =avy-goto-char-2=
    • =avy-goto-char-in-line=
    • =avy-goto-word-0=
    • =avy-goto-word-1=
    • =avy-goto-subword-0=
    • =avy-goto-subword-1=
    • =avy-goto-word-or-subword-1=

    When using =ace-jump-mode=, the following command is supported:

    • =ace-jump-char-mode=

    When the =ace-pinyin-mode= is enabled, the supported commands will be able to jump to both Chinese and English characters/words. That is, you don't need remember extra commands or create extra key bindings in order to jump to Chinese characters. All you need to do is to enable the minor mode and use your =avy= or =ace-jump-mode= key bindings to jump to Chinese characters.

    In addition, you can also use English punctuations to jump to Chinese/English punctuations. For example, use =.= to jump to both =。= and =.=, and =<= to jump to both =《= and =<= etc. Behind the scene, =ace-pinyin= uses [[][pinyinlib.el]] to translate the letter to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters and English punctuations to Chinese punctuations. To see the full list of punctuations that are supported, see [[][pinyinlib.el]].

    Besides, all other packages using =ace-jump-mode= (or =avy=) will also be able to handle Chinese characters. For example, if you've installed [[][ace-jump-zap]], it will also be able to zap to a Chinese character by the first letter of pinyin. Note =ace-jump-zap= is implemented by using =ace-jump-mode=, so you can't use =avy= in this case. You can check out my fork of =ace-jump-zap= using =avy=: [[][avy-zap]].

  • Traditional Chinese Characters Support By default, =ace-pinyin= only supports simplified Chinese characters. You can make =ace-pinyin= aware of traditional Chinese characters by the following setting: : (setq ace-pinyin-simplified-chinese-only-p nil)

  • Disable Word Jumping Support By default, =ace-pinyin= will remap both word jumping and character jumping methods in =avy=. If you only want to remap character jumping methods, use: : (setq ace-pinyin-treat-word-as-char nil)

    After setting this, the following commands in =avy= are not able to jump to Chinese characters:

    • =avy-goto-word-0=
    • =avy-goto-word-1=
    • =avy-goto-subword-0=
    • =avy-goto-subword-1=
    • =avy-goto-word-or-subword-1=
  • Disable Punctuations Translation If you don't like the punctuation support(/i.e./, using English punctuations to jump to both Chinese/English punctuations), use the following code to disable it: : (setq ace-pinyin-enable-punctuation-translation nil)

  • Other available commands These commands are not provided in either =avy= or =ace-jump-mode=. They're provided in this package in case someone finds them useful. You need to assign key bindings for the commands if you want to use them. ** =ace-pinyin-dwim= If called with no prefix, it can jump to both Chinese characters and English letters. If called with prefix, it can only jump to Chinese characters.

** =ace-pinyin-jump-word= Using this command, you can jump to the start of a sequence of Chinese characters(/i.e./ Chinese word) by typing the sequence of the first letters of these character's pinyins. If called without prefix, this command will read user's input with a default timeout 1 second(You can customize the timeout value). If called with prefix, then it will read input from the minibuffer and starts search after you press @@html:@@enter@@html:@@.

  • Demos WARNING: The following demos are a little bit outdated.

    Enable =ace-pinyin-mode= and use =ace-jump-char-mode= to jump to Chinese characters: [[./screencasts/ace-pinyin-jump-char.gif]]

    If you have installed [[][ace-jump-zap]], then enabling =ace-pinyin-mode= will also make =ace-jump-zap-to-char= capable of handling Chinese characters. [[./screencasts/ace-jump-zap.gif]]

  • Change Log

    UPDATE(2015-11-26): Now jumping to traditional Chinese characters is supported by setting =ace-pinyin-simplified-chinese-only-p= to =nil=.

    UPDATE(2016-05-01): Now =ace-pinyin= uses =avy= by default. If you want to use =ace-jump-mode=, use: : (setq ace-pinyin-use-avy nil)

    UPDATE(2016-05-02): A new variable =ace-pinyin-treat-word-as-char= is added and its default value is =t=. When this variable is =t=, =ace-pinyin= remaps both word and character jumping commands in =avy= or =ace-jump-mode=. For example, if you're using =avy=, setting this variable to =t= will make =avy-goto-word-= and =avy-goto-subword-= be able to jump to Chinese characters as well as English words.

    UPDATE(2015-05-05): Add =ace-pinyin-enable-punctuation-translation=.

    UPDATE(2015-05-05): Now =ace-pinyin= depends on [[][pinyinlib.el]].

  • Related Packages

    • [[][evil-find-char-pinyin]]
    • [[][pinyinlib.el]]
    • [[][fcitx.el]]