sensor.airthings_wave copied to clipboard
Need to map /var/run/dbus/:/var/run/dbus/:z in docker
I was stuck for a while. I am running HA in docker on Ubuntu and had to map /var/run/dbus to get this to work. Not sure there is anything the repo can do to fix this issue, but perhaps include some text somewhere for those who get stuck? :-)
(...) volumes: - /var/run/dbus/:/var/run/dbus/:z
You can find the same issue here:
I get same issue as @mikeboiko in #86, after upgrading Airthings Wave custom component to v4.0.0 in HACS. I even tried redownloading and Updating the information in HACS, without any luck.
2022-07-20 22:44:46 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.airthings_wave.airthings] Not getting device info because failed to connect to device.
I'm running HA v2022.7.5
in Docker container on Ubuntu Server (22.04 LTS) running on Intel Nuc. I tried mounting dbus
as volume, but without any luck.
for HA:
version: '3.8'
container_name: homeassistant
image: homeassistant/intel-nuc-homeassistant:2022.7.5
- ./config/ha:/config
- /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus:z
- TZ=Europe/Oslo
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: "host"
- zwavejs2mqtt
Custom sensor configuration for Airthings that is unchanged and worked previously:
- platform: airthings_wave
mac: !secret airthings_wave_mac
scan_interval: 600 # in seconds (10 minutes)
Edit: I have Airthings Wave Plus device
@TomTorger since you run HA in docker and on Ubuntu, and you have managed to fix the issue similar to mine, could you please share your docker-compose.yml file for HA and the sensor configuration for Airthings Wave? I have tried removing the mac property of sensor configuration, but then I get the error below. So I think I need to explicitly set the mac address since mine Airthings Wave Plus device can't be auto detected.
ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [custom_components.airthings_wave.sensor] Failed intial setup.
@TomTorger, thanks for the share. The dbus volume mount fixed my issue!
@mikeboiko see my posts above. Could you please share your setup, since mounting dbus
volume did not fix mine issue.
@ismarslomic, sure. This is my compose snippet:
container_name: home-assistant
hostname: home-assistant
TZ: 'America/Edmonton'
- ./volumes/ha:/config
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /var/run/dbus/:/var/run/dbus/:z
restart: always
network_mode: host
- mqtt
- db
- assistant-relay
- zwavejs2mqtt
privileged: true
@mikeboiko Excellent, it worked! Thanks mate! Issue where that I did not start the container in privileged
@ismarslomic good stuff!
Guess I should have included the full docker config. Great to see you managed anyways :-)