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Prevent Right Click Hotkey
Could we get a patch that disables right-clicking hotkeys from removing the shortcut?
Hotkeys are controlled by both a skill ID, written by this first line of code...
66 89 56 10 - mov [esi+10],dx
8D 4E 28 - lea ecx,[esi+28]
89 4D EC - mov [ebp-14],ecx
And a value (4byte, 1 or 0) determining if they're usable or not, written by this one...
89 86 FC000000 - mov [esi+000000FC],eax
89 65 EC - mov [ebp-14],esp
Problem is this code is also involved...
B9 0C000000 - mov ecx,0000000C
F3 A5 - repe movsd
8B 83 FC000000 - mov eax,[ebx+000000FC]
And I'm not sure what it's actually doing or why, and those two addresses alone don't stop the hotkey from being disabled (even though individually they do change the skill run and if it can be used or not) so there's something else going on.