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Fail to find pattern issue

Open Perfectendo opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

I started getting this around April. [Uncap Production] Failed to find pattern 66 39 86 ? ? ? ? 76 07 66 [Uncap Production] Failed to find pattern 66 39 86 ? ? ? ? 76 07 66 [Show Combat Power] Failed to find pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? FF B3 14 01 00 00 [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 00FDEFE2 for pattern 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? EB ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? C7 47 0C ? ? ? ? [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 010A3566 for pattern 75 ? 83 BE B0 00 00 00 ? [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 01065939 for pattern 74 ? 80 BB 93 00 00 00 ? [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 0102A2EE for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 57 56 [Elf Lag Fix] Failed to find pattern 55 8B EC 56 57 8B F9 8B 07 FF 50 0C 8B C8 [Windows Appear Faster] Found address 01092E9D for pattern 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8B C8 85 C9 74 ? F6 46 14 ? 75 ? 8B 01 8B 80 80 01 00 00 FF D0 84 C0 75 ? 83 BE C8 00 00 00 ? C6 86 C4 00 00 00 ? 75 ? B9 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 89 86 C8 00 00 00 8B 8E C8 00 00 00 [Windows Appear Faster] Found address 0117D521 for pattern FF 75 18 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E C8 00 00 00 [One Click Revive] Found address 01248A77 for pattern 0F 86 ? ? ? ? 8B 07 8B CF FF 50 04 [Disable Mount Timeout] Found address 01124C54 for pattern 89 88 78 02 00 00 B0 ? [Unlimited Zoom] Failed to find pattern F3 0F 10 46 14 F3 0F 5D C1 [Logout In Conversation] Found address 01768DAF for pattern 84 C0 74 ? B8 ? ? ? ? 8B 4D F4 64 89 0D ? ? ? ? 59 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C2 ? ? 8B 0D ? ? ? ? [Allow Moving To Same Channel] Failed to find pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D E8 E8 ? ? ? ? C6 45 FC ? 8D 45 E8 50 8D 45 D8 50 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B C8 E8 ? ? ? ? C6 45 FC ? 8D 4D EC [Disable Censorship] Failed to find pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 84 D2 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 85 FF [Disable Channel Move Denial] Found address 01102023 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? C7 45 F0 ? ? ? ? C7 45 FC ? ? ? ? 8B CB E8 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D E4 [Disable Channel Move Description] Found address 01372A8C for pattern 50 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 8D 45 DC 6A ? 6A ? 6A ? 6A ? 6A ? 6A ? 6A ? 53 50 8D 45 E8 [Disable Logout Penalty Msg] Found address 01102AC6 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 33 F6 C6 45 F3 ? [Disable Skill Rankup Window] Found address 015B788D for pattern 75 ? 32 C0 8B 4D F4 64 89 0D ? ? ? ? 59 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C2 ? ? 8B 46 0C [Disable Skill Rankup Window] Found address 0126654C for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 01 8B 35 ? ? ? ? FF 50 58 8B C8 E8 ? ? ? ? 50 [Infinite Party Ad Time] Found address 0164C2A0 for pattern 55 8B EC 56 8B F1 8B 46 64 83 78 04 ? [Remove Dungeon Fog] Found address 00C60940 for pattern 0F B6 41 05 C1 E8 ? [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00EC91E7 for pattern 8B 01 5E 89 42 48 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00EC91E7 for pattern 8B 01 5E 89 42 48 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00EC91E7 for pattern 8B 01 5E 89 42 48 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00EC91E7 for pattern 8B 01 5E 89 42 48 [Always Trans Collect Mode] Found address 016D4519 for pattern 8A 43 78 84 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B CF [Allow Canceling Lance Counter] Found address 01F511C0 for pattern 55 8B EC 6A ? 68 ? ? ? ? 64 A1 ? ? ? ? 50 83 EC ? 53 56 57 A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C5 50 8D 45 F4 64 A3 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? [Allow Same Chat Messages] Found address 012C7377 for pattern 75 ? C6 45 F3 ? 33 D2 [Allow Same Chat Messages] Found address 012C73EB for pattern 0F 83 ? ? ? ? 80 7D 10 ? [Allow Rapid Chat Messages] Found address 012C7251 for pattern 76 ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D E8 E8 ? ? ? ? C6 45 FC ? 8D 45 E8 [Enable Chat To Mini-gamers] Found address 022F32E2 for pattern 75 ? 50 8D 45 08 50 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 ? C6 45 FC ? EB ? [Force Client Side DevCAT] Found address 0088E33A for pattern 74 ? 8B 06 8B CE FF 90 94 00 00 00 8B C8 E8 ? ? ? ? B9 ? ? ? ? 66 3B C1 74 ? 32 C0 [Disable Screen Flash] Found address 01109C57 for pattern 6A ? FF 75 08 89 46 1C 8A 45 1C [Allow Dungeon Map Resize] Found address 012EC4AD for pattern B8 ? ? ? ? 66 39 07 73 ? 66 89 07 [Allow Dungeon Map Resize] Found address 012EBD99 for pattern BF ? ? ? ? 6A ? 89 75 C8 [Allow Interface While Dead] Found address 0117A77E for pattern FF 87 ? ? ? ? EB 11 [Allow Minimap Zoom] Found address 016278C8 for pattern 89 46 70 80 79 40 ? [Increase Alt Text Distance] Failed to find pattern 0F 86 ? ? ? ? 0F 57 C0 0F 2F F8 [Disable Fighter Forced Interface] Found address 0107AFE1 for pattern 83 79 44 ? 75 ? 6A ? 6A ? E8 ? ? ? ? [Disable Fighter Forced Interface] Found address 0107CF3E for pattern 83 79 44 ? 75 ? 6A ? 6A ? E8 ? ? ? ? [Enable Free Indoor Camera] Found address 016DD537 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E 7C 01 00 00 85 C9 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 [Hide Main Titles] Failed to find pattern 08 00 66 8B 41 10 C3 [Hide Second Titles] Found address 020CEB78 for pattern 75 ? 8B 4F 74 56 [Hide NPC Curtains] Found address 0110A010 for pattern 55 8B EC 8A 45 08 56 8B F1 38 06 [Hide Objects] Found address 00EE8ABF for pattern 75 ? 8B 06 51 8B CE FF 90 38 01 00 00 [Allow Hotkey For Any Item] Found address 01111CC0 for pattern 55 8B EC 8B 4D 08 85 C9 74 ? 68 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 ? B0 ? 5D C2 ? ? [Ignore Maintain Frame Number] Found address 01808387 for pattern 8B 31 89 46 14 [Disable Translucency Changes] Found address 00F22B1E for pattern 83 78 04 ? 75 ? 85 F6 74 ? 8B C6 [Clean Up Title Menu] Failed to find pattern 85 C0 0F 88 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 7E ? 83 F8 02 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D [Clean Up Title Menu] Failed to find pattern 85 C0 0F 88 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 7E ? 83 F8 02 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D [Clean Up Title Menu] Failed to find pattern 85 C0 0F 88 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 7E ? 83 F8 02 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D [Show Clock Minutes] Failed to find pattern 89 45 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? B9 ? ? ? ? [Show Clock Minutes] Failed to find pattern 89 45 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 0127598F for pattern B8 ? ? ? ? C1 E1 ? 2B F1 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 01275491 for pattern 83 F8 ? 0F 97 C0 84 C0 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 01275683 for pattern 6A ? 83 DF ? [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 01275694 for pattern C1 E7 ? 68 ? ? ? ? 2B F8 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 01275694 for pattern C1 E7 ? 68 ? ? ? ? 2B F8 [Mute Commerce Imp] Found address 0179A56A for pattern 8B 48 10 03 48 08 [Speed Up NPC Text] Failed to find pattern 74 ? 8B 40 04 66 0F 6E C0 F3 0F E6 C0 C1 E8 ? F2 0F 58 04 C5 ? ? ? ? 66 0F 5A C8 66 0F 6E C1 F3 0F E6 C0 C1 E9 ? F2 0F 58 04 CD ? ? ? ? 66 0F 5A C0 F3 0F 5E C8 F3 0F 11 4D 08 [Skip Personal Shop Creation Message] Failed to find pattern 52 53 6A ? 53 53 6A ? 53 6A ? 53 53 8D 45 E4 50 E8 ? ? ? ? C6 45 FC ? 8B 4D EC 3B CB 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 89 5D EC C6 45 FC ? 8B 4D E4 3B CB 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 89 5D E4 C6 45 FC ? [Disable Sky Rendering] Failed to find pattern 74 42 8B 4E 04 8B 11 8B 82 E4 00 00 00 6A 04 FF D0 8B C8 E8 [Disable Sky Rendering] Found address 00FE7A7A for pattern 8B 4E 30 85 C9 0F 84 91 00 00 00 E8 [Enable Right-Clicking Self] Failed to find pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 3B D7 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E 90 00 00 00 [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 01141990 for pattern 75 ? 68 ? ? ? ? EB 1F 6A 0A [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 012A3C28 for pattern 75 ? 68 ? ? ? ? EB 1F 6A 0A [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 02529711 for pattern 75 ? 68 ? ? ? ? EB 1F 6A 0A [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 01141983 for pattern 33 C0 85 C9 0F 49 C1 85 F6 [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 012A3C1B for pattern 33 C0 85 C9 0F 49 C1 85 F6 [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Failed to find pattern 33 C0 85 DB 0F 49 C3 85 F6 [Show Item Class] Found address 01558536 for pattern 66 3B C1 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? B9 ? ? ? ? [Show Item Trade Price] Failed to find pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D F0 E8 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D D0 [Skip Graphics Card Message] Failed to find pattern 83 C4 08 84 C0 75 7F 8D [Enable Talking to Unequipped Ego] Failed to find pattern 0F 85 A0 00 00 00 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D DC E8 ? ? ? ? C7 45 FC 00 00 00 00 8D 45 DC [Enable NPC Equipment View] Found address 01AFB1E5 for pattern 84 C0 75 ? 8B CF E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 75 ? 83 7D DC ? [Disable Reward Window] Failed to find pattern 3B D6 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 33 DB [Zero Fog Distance] Found address 00FA85B9 for pattern D9 45 14 5D C2 10 [Zero Fog Distance] Found address 00FA8619 for pattern D9 45 14 5D C2 10 [Center Giant Camera] Failed to find pattern 74 2C 68 ? ? ? ? 8B CF E8 [Disable Fullscreen Change] Failed to find pattern 88 48 3C 8B 56 0C 83 C2 30 52 [Faster Networking] Found address 02656672 for pattern 8B 5F 7C 80 3B ? [Faster Networking] Found address 02655C76 for pattern 74 ? 90 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 96 80 00 00 00 2B 44 96 08 [Faster Networking] Found address 02656456 for pattern 74 ? 90 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 96 80 00 00 00 89 44 96 08 [Disable Avon Curtains] Failed to find pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 0E 6A ? 6A ? [Disable Item Magnet Cooldown] Failed to find pattern 50 52 C7 45 E8 98 3A [Avoid Bank Trade] Failed to find pattern 8B 55 10 52 FF D0 84 DB 74 [Disable Game End Survey] Found address 0057BACA for pattern 51 52 50 FF 75 E0 [Show Dorcha Numbers] Failed to find pattern 52 FF 84 C0 0F 84 0F 01 00 00 [Show entity HP] Failed to find pattern 68 F8 03 00 00 89 5D [Skip Cutscenes] Failed to find pattern 74 19 8B 45 0C 8B 75 08 50 56 E8 [Skip Cutscenes] Failed to find pattern 74 19 8B 45 0C 8B 75 08 50 56 E8 [Skip Cutscenes] Failed to find pattern 74 19 8B 45 0C 8B 75 08 50 56 E8 [Disable Summoning Status Windows] Failed to find pattern 8D 4D EC 38 5D 08 74 5A [Disable Alpaca Carrying] Failed to find pattern 83 F8 19 72 0F 8B CE [Golem Range Fix] Failed to find pattern 84 C0 0F 84 1F 05 00 00 8B 4E 28 [Show Unknown Quest Objectives] Failed to find pattern 38 5E 0D 75 17 [Hide Bingo Button] Found address 01130934 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D D8 [Keep Pet Window Open] Failed to find pattern 84 C0 0F 84 33 19 00 00 8B 0D [Show Unknown Skill Requirements] Failed to find pattern 84 C0 74 7D 57 [Show Unknown Upgrades] Failed to find pattern 3A 85 AB FE FF FF 0F 83 [Render Wireframe] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Wireframe] Failed to find pattern FF D0 3A C3 0F 85 [Render FPS info] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render FPS info] Failed to find pattern FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 AD 08 00 00 2B 3D [Render Prop Bounds] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Prop Bounds] Failed to find pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 1F 8B 4E 30 8B 11 83 BA 7C 05 00 00 00 74 11 8B 8A [Render Light Radius] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Light Radius] Failed to find pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 40 8B 0E [Render Light Information] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Light Information] Failed to find pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 C2 [Render Collision Boxes] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Collision Boxes] Failed to find pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 0C 8B 17 8B 82 CC 00 00 00 [Render Axis] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Axis] Failed to find pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 0C 8B 17 8B 82 D0 00 00 00 [Render Bones Hitboxes] Failed to find pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Bones Hitboxes] Failed to find pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 0C 8B 17 8B 82 C8 00 00 00 [Remove Item Drop animation] Failed to find pattern 0F 84 17 02 00 00 39 9E [Remove Sunglare] Found address 00FE2ECC for pattern FF D2 84 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 6A ? 68 ? ? ? ? Got RangedAttackSwap 00B627F2 Failed to find DontMoveToSquadChat address. Failed to find TTFFontSize address.

Perfectendo avatar May 21 '20 12:05 Perfectendo

One of the April updates probably changed some of the memory addresses for these patches. I'd work to fix them myself, but I quite frankly don't know how to do the reverse-engineering for the game structures.

AverageSpearman avatar Jul 07 '20 09:07 AverageSpearman

I fixed some of them but since I'm not the author of every patch fixing them involves some work. I prioritized the patches that I actively use but if there are broken ones that you would still like to see fixed I can look into it.

cursey avatar Jul 07 '20 13:07 cursey

i'd personally like to see the wireframe patches back, i contacted the author some months ago but he's moved on to other projects.

shaggyze avatar Jul 07 '20 19:07 shaggyze