No worries, @erikbrinkman! Life happens. I remain grateful that you consider this work worth investing your time in. # Preserving node positions WRT (b), yes, I think it makes sense...
# Arrows/annotations Sorry, I should have mentioned, but mostly it's that if the location of the intersection point is known, the display code can put text at that location. For...
Breaking out the different pieces of the Sugiyama layering: It's hard for me to tell what I think just based on that source file--the major question in my mind is...
So let me give you my thoughts as they come up reading through your documentation: * Layering: Looks good, though probably the name of the member should be something like...
Thank you! That paper is a fascinating pointer for me--it basically nails what I've been interested in exploring from a research perspective. Scooped, 14 years ago! :-}. The major question,...
I think I'm going to hold off on further comments on the broken out API until I try to use it for something; I can speculate before that point, but...
Erik: My apologies for the radio silence; various distractions (including, unfortunately, a car accident :-{). But I've updated my main notebook with arrows according to the architecture sketched out above...
@tunesmith : My experience with animation and transitions is that they're easy to get wrong, but that it's generally possible to do exactly what you want. Sorta like the rest...
@tunesmith : I did some digging, and decided that the strange behavior I was seeing was actually coming from the underlying d3 zoom library. I filed an issue on it...