My apologies, I think I forgot to re-publish. You should be able to see the update now. But your plans seem good to me regardless. I'm willing to look at...
Candidate large graph: The above's probably a good place to start, as I'm fairly sure it could be laid out in a more understandable way. If you want a larger...
WRT ports: Your comment made me curious, and I threw together the following graphviz output to see what graphviz would do with it: digraph test { A; C; D; E;...
I'm very solidly in favor of simplicity, especially in the context of d3--having small, easily composable pieces strikes me as maximizing usability. So, yeah, let's not worry about ports for...
Erik: I just ran into a graph which is pretty simple, but is, to my eye, has a pretty glaring layout problem, and I figured I'd share in case it's...
Oh, that's much better. Thank you. I look forward to playing with it. On an abstract level, I'm torn about how much effort it's worth improving the layout algorithm. I...
Your orientation makes a lot of sense to me. Specifically, I wasn't actually hoping to get you involved in this UI side; I've always figured that any work in that...
Actually, one other thought, at the architectural/philosophical level. When I first started looking into doing exploratory graph understanding, I tried using D3's force-directed layout. That library is simple, easy to...
I've been thinking about your question #2 for the past couple of days without coming to any blinding insights. In lieu of any of those :-}, here's the general path...
My initial demo for interactive graph exploration is @ Pan&zoom still work, and clicking on nodes should switch them between active and inactive. All nodes connected to active nodes...