Results 95 issues of Dannii Willis

I thought people might appreciate being able to use the Glulxe profiler in Lectrote so they don't need to compile it themselves. Porting Glulxe to emglken was easy enough. I...

Lectrote is currently heavily buffering output to data files. On Ubuntu it seems to flush every 256 bytes. On Windows it seems to write out 4Kb blocks, but only when...

electron fix needed

Hugo stores image and sound data in its "resourcefile" format, documented in book 2, chapter 12 of [the Hugo book]( (page 249, PDF page 259). There are various ways these...


In Windows, if you maximise a window, then when you reopen Lectrote the window tries to open with the same or similar dimensions, but not maximised. The top/left of the... This should just be ` if (image) {` shouldn't it?

The help menu and conversation hyperlinks in City of Secrets don't work in Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. It is the same for Lectrote. Other files, such as windowtest.ulx, do work.

Currently in Quixe, you must tap the input box precisely in order to bring up the soft keyboard. It would probably be better to allow the user to tap anywhere...

Soft keyboard will often take up to 50% of the available screen space, and in a game like City of Secrets where there are other windows, you can be left...

Compressing with Uglify results in files up to a third smaller. The command to run is "npm run build". Notes: - I've used the preserveComments option, which uses some smart...

Follow on to If a function is explicitly listed in both the add-list and remove-list, that should be an error. But if there are wildcards, then it's less obvious...