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An Authentication and User Lifecycle Framework for Phoenix
An Authentication Framework for Phoenix.
Curator is meant to mimic Devise, as such it provides several modules to accomplish authentication and various aspects of user lifecycle mangement. It's build with a modular architecture that differs from existing Elixir Authentication solutions. Each curator module can be combined to handle various authentication scenarios, passing coordination through a curator module. Under the hood, this uses Guardian for session management.
For an example, see the PhoenixCurator Application
Curator Modules
- Ueberauth: Ueberauth Integration.
- Database Authenticatable: Compare a password to a hashed password to support password based sign-in. Also provide a generator for creating a session page.
- Registerable: A Generator to support user registration.
- Confirmable: Account email verification.
- Recoverable: Reset the User Password.
- Lockable: Lock Account after configurable count of invalid sign-ins.
- Approvable: Require an approval step before user sign-in.
- Timeoutable: Session Timeout (after configurable inactivity).
- API: API login (with an opaque token).
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
:def deps do [{:curator, "~> 0.3.0"}] end
Run the install command
mix curator.install
This will generate:
A User context, migration, and schema (in the Ecto application if an umbrella)
- A user migration (
) - A user schema (
) - A user context (
- A user migration (
An empty Curator module (
) -
A Guardian Configuration
- A Guardian module (
) - An error handler (
- A Guardian module (
A view helper (
) -
A Session Controller
- controller (
) - view helper (
) - new template (
). Note: this is just a placeholder that you'll want to update when you decide on a sign-in strategy.
- controller (
The generators aren't perfect (TODO), so finish the installation
Update your router (
)require Curator.Router pipeline :browser do ... plug <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator.UnauthenticatedPipeline end pipeline :authenticated_browser do ... (copy the code from browser) plug <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator.AuthenticatedPipeline end scope "/", <MyAppWeb> do pipe_through :browser ... Insert your unprotected routes here ... Curator.Router.mount_unauthenticated_routes(<MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator) end scope "/", <MyAppWeb> do pipe_through :authenticated_browser ... Insert your protected routes here ... Curator.Router.mount_authenticated_routes(<MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator) end
Add the view_helper to your web module (
)def view do quote do ... import <MyAppWeb>.Auth.CuratorHelper end end
This allows you to call
in your templates -
Configure Guardian in
config :<my_app_web>, <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Guardian, issuer: "<my_app_web>", secret_key: "Secret key. You can use `mix guardian.gen.secret` to get one"
config :<my_app_web>, <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Guardian, issuer: "<my_app_web>", allowed_algos: ["HS512"], ttl: { 1, :days }, verify_issuer: true, secret_key: {<MyAppWeb>.Auth.Guardian, :fetch_secret_key, []}
(NOTE: the sample prod.exs is one way to keep the
out of source code. If you use an alternative technique thefetch_secret_key
method can be removed from<MyAppWeb>.Auth.Guardian
Add a sign-out link to your layout
<%= if current_user(@conn) do %> <%= link "Sign Out", to: Routes.session_path(@conn, :delete), method: :delete %> <% end %>
:setup tags do :ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(<MyApp>.Repo) unless tags[:async] do Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(<MyApp>.Repo, {:shared, self()}) end # Note: As you add additional modules, make sure this user is valid for them too. # Create the user w/ ExMachina auth_user = <MyApp>.Factory.insert(:auth_user) # Or, create the user with your preferred method # {:ok, auth_user} = <MyApp>.Auth.create_user(%{email: "[email protected]"}) {:ok, token, _claims} = <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Guardian.encode_and_sign(auth_user) conn = Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn() auth_conn = conn |> Plug.Test.init_test_session(%{ guardian_default_token: token, guardian_default_timeoutable: Curator.Time.timestamp(), }) {:ok, unauth_conn: conn, auth_user: auth_user, conn: auth_conn} end
Note: This uses
as an authenticated connection, so existing tests won't need to be updated.To test, create test-only routes:
scope "/", <MyAppWeb> do pipe_through :browser if Mix.env == :test do get "/insecure", PageController, :insecure end Curator.Router.mount_unauthenticated_routes(<MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator) end scope "/", <MyAppWeb> do pipe_through :authenticated_browser if Mix.env == :test do get "/secure", PageController, :secure end Curator.Router.mount_authenticated_routes(<MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator) end
Update the
:defmodule <MyAppWeb>.PageController do use <MyAppWeb>, :controller def secure(conn, _params) do text conn, "!!!SECURE!!!" end def insecure(conn, _params) do text conn, "INSECURE" end end
And write tests in
:defmodule <MyAppWeb>.PageControllerTest do use <MyAppWeb>.ConnCase test "GET /secure (Unauthenticated)", %{unauth_conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/secure" assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.session_path(conn, :new) assert get_flash(conn, :error) == "Please Sign In" end test "GET /secure (Authenticated)", %{conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/secure" assert text_response(conn, 200) == "!!!SECURE!!!" end test "GET /secure (Authenticated - User Delete)", %{conn: conn, auth_user: user} do <MyApp>.Auth.delete_user(user) conn = get conn, "/secure" assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.session_path(conn, :new) assert get_flash(conn, :error) == "Please Sign In" end test "GET /insecure (Unauthenticated)", %{unauth_conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/insecure" assert text_response(conn, 200) == "INSECURE" end test "GET /insecure (Authenticated)", %{conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/insecure" assert text_response(conn, 200) == "INSECURE" end test "GET /insecure (Authenticated - User Delete)", %{conn: conn, auth_user: user} do <MyApp>.Auth.delete_user(user) conn = get conn, "/insecure" assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.session_path(conn, :new) assert get_flash(conn, :error) == "Please Sign In" end end
These examples can be extended as additional modules are integrated (ex. using Confirmable with a user that hasn't been confirmed).
Opaque Guardian (recommended)
Several Extensions will use guardian to store single-use tokens (ex: the confirmation module). By Default, JWT Tokens are not tracked by the application. Guardian provides an integration to track and revoke tokens, GuardianDB. However, for single-use tokens, Curator ships with an alternative called "Opaque Guardian". It provides a behaviour for guardian that allows tokens to be stored in the Database and never as a JWT. This is preferable for the extensions. Installation requires running the following command (or typing yes during the install):
mix curator.opaque_guardian.install
If you would like to use guardian for the single-use tokens you can update the curator configuration:
use Curator, opaque_guardian: <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Guardian
Your authentication library is looking a bit spartan... Time to add to your collection.
To allow sign in add Ueberauth and/or DatabaseAuthenticatable
Module Documentation
Ueberauth Integration
Run the install command
mix curator.ueberauth.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :my_app_web, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Ueberauth, ]
Install Ueberauth and the desired strategies. For example, to add google oauth:
defp deps do [ {:ueberauth_google, "~> 0.9"}, {:ueberauth, "~> 0.6"} ] end
NOTE: If you're using an umbrella app you'll also need to add ueberauth to your ecto applications
. -
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, providers: [ google: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Google, []} ] config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Google.OAuth, client_id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"), client_secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET")
Put some links to the providers on the new session page (
)<%= link "Google", to: Routes.ueberauth_path(@conn, :request, "google"), class: "btn btn-default" %>
Database Authenticatable
Run the install command
mix curator.database_authenticatable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.DatabaseAuthenticatable, ]
Update the user schema (
)# DatabaseAuthenticatable field :password, :string, virtual: true field :password_hash, :string
Add your crypto_mod dependencies.
By default, Bcrypt is configured as the crypto_mod. This requires two dependencies:
{:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 2.0"},
You can configure the crypto_mod by passing it as an arguement in the DatabaseAuthenticatable implementation.
Update the new session page as needed (
) -
run the migration
mix ecto.migrate
If using Registerable, Update the registration form
<div class="form-group"> <%= label f, :password, class: "control-label" %> <%= password_input f, :password, class: "form-control" %> <%= error_tag f, :password %> </div>
If you have other use cases, you can use the changeset directly:
<MyApp>.Auth.find_user_by_email("[email protected]")
|> <MyAppWeb>.Auth.DatabaseAuthenticatable.update_changeset(%{password: "test"})
|> <MyApp>.Repo.update()
Run the install command
mix curator.registerable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Registerable, ]
Put a link on the new session page (
)<%= link to: Routes.registration_path(@conn, :new), class: "btn btn-outline-primary" do %> Register <% end %>
Add a registration link to your layout
<%= link "My Account", to: Routes.registration_path(@conn, :edit) %>
Run the install command
mix curator.confirmable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Confirmable, ]
Update the user schema (
)# Confirmable field :email_confirmed_at, :utc_datetime
Testing ... add confirmed_at
Run the install command
mix curator.recoverable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Recoverable, ]
Put a link on the new session page (
)<%= link to: Routes.recoverable_path(@conn, :new), class: "btn btn-outline-primary" do %> Forgotten Password <% end %>
Run the install command
mix curator.lockable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.LockableImpl, ]
Update the user schema (
)# Lockable field :failed_attempts, :integer field :locked_at, :utc_datetime
Run the install command
mix curator.approvable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Approvable, ]
Update the user schema (
)# Approvable field :approval_status, :string, default: "pending" field :approval_at, :utc_datetime belongs_to :approver, <MyApp>.Auth.User
Enable Approvable emails (
Emails can be sent after a users registers or confirms their account (or both) by setting the email_after
configuration to a list of :registration
and/or :confirmation
defmodule <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Approvable do
use Curator.Approvable,
otp_app: :<my_app_web>,
curator: <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator,
email_after: [:confirmation] # Add this
- Set the email recipients (
defp approvable_emails do
# Add your list here
- (Todo) The approvers will need a UI.
Session Timeout (after configurable inactivity)
Run the install command
mix curator.timeoutable.install
Add to the curator modules (
)use Curator, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, modules: [ <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Timeoutable, ]
Add to the curator plugs
defmodule <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator.UnauthenticatedPipeline do ... plug Curator.Timeoutable.Plug, timeoutable_module: <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Timeoutable end defmodule <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator.AuthenticatedPipeline do ... plug Curator.Timeoutable.Plug, timeoutable_module: <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Timeoutable end
(optional) Configure Timeoutable (
)use Curator.Timeoutable, otp_app: :<my_app_web>, timeout_in: 1800
Update tests (
)auth_conn = conn |> Plug.Test.init_test_session(%{ guardian_default_token: token, guardian_default_timeoutable: Curator.Time.timestamp(), })
This session key usually is set as part of the after_sign_in extension.
(optional) Update the ErrorHandler (
)defp translate_error({:timeoutable, :timeout}), do: "You have been signed out due to inactivity"
API Login (with an opaque token)
This generator uses the Curator.Guardian.Token.Opaque
module in place of the guardian default Guardian.Token.Jwt
. It also assumes you'll be storing them in an ecto database. Various backends could be used, as long as they implement the Curator.Guardian.Token.Opaque.Persistence behaviour. If you prefer JWT throughout, you can remove the schema / context and set the guardian_token to the default (TODO: accept a command line option to do this).
Run the install command
mix curator.api.install
Update your router (
)require Curator.Router pipeline :api do plug :accepts, ["json"] plug <MyAppWeb>.Auth.Curator.ApiPipeline end scope "/api", <MyAppWeb> do pipe_through :api ... end
:setup tags do ... api_unauth_conn = Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn() |> Plug.Conn.put_req_header("accept", "application/json") {:ok, token_id, _claims} = <MyAppWeb>.Auth.OpaqueGuardian.encode_and_sign(auth_user, %{description: "TEST"}, token_type: "api") api_auth_conn = Plug.Conn.put_req_header(api_unauth_conn, "authorization", "Bearer: #{token_id}") api_invalid_conn = Plug.Conn.put_req_header(api_unauth_conn, "authorization", "Bearer: NOT_A_REAL_TOKEN") {:ok, ... api_unauth_conn: api_unauth_conn, api_auth_conn: api_auth_conn, api_invalid_conn: api_invalid_conn, } end
To test, I created some special routes:
scope "/api", <MyAppWeb> do pipe_through :api if Mix.env == :test do get "/secure", PageController, :json_secure end
Update the
:defmodule <MyAppWeb>.PageController do use <MyAppWeb>, :controller def json_secure(conn, _params) do json conn, %{data: "SECURE"} end end
And wrote tests in
:defmodule <MyAppWeb>.PageControllerTest do use <MyAppWeb>.ConnCase describe "API" do test "GET /secure (Unauthenticated)", %{api_unauth_conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/api/secure" assert json_response(conn, 403) == %{"error" => "No API Token"} end test "GET /secure (Authenticated)", %{api_auth_conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/api/secure" assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{"data" => "SECURE"} end test "GET /secure (Bad Token)", %{api_invalid_conn: conn} do conn = get conn, "/api/secure" assert json_response(conn, 403) == %{"error" => "Invalid API Token"} end end end
Extending Curator (TODO)
Thanks go out to the Phoenix Team, the original rails gem Devise, Guardian, and the other elixir authentication solutions:
Any decent ideas I credit to them, I was just acting as the curator.