
Results 71 comments of 咚咔

No. It's a business logic. You should use a field like `isDeleed bool`, then find(xxx and isDeleted = false), and don't forget the index. That's all, very easy.

测试下呗. connect -> find/update -> 拔网线/重启mongodb -> 继续 find/update -> 拔网线/重启mongodb -> 继续 find/update.

What version information do you want? Is it like this? ```go package qmgo const ( VERSION = "..." GIT_COMMIT = "..." ) ``` And, do you want a tool like...

具体点说,就是 Module 接口需要加一个 `OnStarted` ,用于执行“启动后” 的逻辑。 https://github.com/name5566/leaf/blob/af71eb082cdae578efb15f7e091afa8bd78410e0/module/module.go#L10-L14 这个 “启动后” ,需要在 `cluster.Init()` 之后执行,因为这之后才能对外宣布“本服务已就绪“。 https://github.com/name5566/leaf/blob/af71eb082cdae578efb15f7e091afa8bd78410e0/leaf.go#L24-L36

再不济实现个 `leaf.Start`,执行完启动过程后不要阻塞,让我能在之后执行代码就行。 如果 leaf 未来要实现 cluster 模块,服务发现机制是必要的,这就需要预留出 `启动后` 的执行代码 。 @name5566


@kjbracey2 Maybe there is something wrong in my `htop 3.2.1`. Here is what I saw. The purple bar is obviously not included in `used/total`. ![img_v2_39f67730-d29a-420a-a03d-1acc9951c08g](https://github.com/htop-dev/htop/assets/1221615/4e32cfa3-c730-4865-8194-2e660e02da46)

Lol. It seems that `int64/uint64` is a big problem to javascript.

@milosrs Look at snowflake id. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowflake_ID

不太好,需要的话由上层代码自己加。cache 只适合 kv 风格的 crud 调用,API 与 mgo 丝毫不搭调。