Redis-Windows-32bit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Redis-Windows-32bit copied to clipboard

The Windows 64-bit/32-bit bin files for Redis can download there


The Windows 64-bit bin files for Redis can download here. Please read the word document for details.


The Windows 32-bit bin files for Redis can download here.

Some times we have to deploy our application on OLD Windows 32-bit OS. Just because the MSOpenTech( only support 64-bit version, we have to compile our ourself. Now you can SAVE your time download here.

How to?

Please copy the following files in different folder to your server:

- redis-server.exe
- redis-benchmark.exe
- redis-cli.exe
- redis-check-dump.exe
- redis-check-aof.exe
- - setup your Redis server
- service-install.bat - run this to install as Windows service
- uninstall-service.bat - remove Windows service

Who am I?

崔文远 Troy Cui

Location: Shanghai,China


Wechat/Mobile: 13818699609