cue copied to clipboard
evaluator: field dropped when data transformed into list
What version of CUE are you using (cue version
$ cue version cue version v0.6.0 go version go1.20.6 -buildmode exe -compiler gc -trimpath true CGO_ENABLED 0 GOARCH amd64 GOOS linux GOAMD64 v1
Does this issue reproduce with the latest stable release?
What did you do?
with test.cue
package kube configMap: cm: data: myvalue: "42" configMap: [ID=_]: this={ (#metadataName & {id: ID, data:, disable: this._disableNameSuffixHash}).out } configMap: [ID=_]: { _disableNameSuffixHash: *false | bool metadata: labels: {f: "1"} } objectSets: [ configMap] objects: [ for v in objectSets for x in v {x}] #metadataName: { id: string disable: bool if !disable { out: metadata: name: id + "-my-suffix" } if disable { out: metadata: name: id } }
execute cue export -e 'objects[0]' test.cue
What did you expect to see?
What did you see instead?
undefined field: name: --expression:1:21