cucumber-java-skeleton copied to clipboard
This is the simplest possible setup for Cucumber-JVM using Java.
Cucumber-Java Skeleton
This is the simplest possible build script setup for Cucumber using Java. There is nothing fancy like a webapp or browser testing. All this does is to show you how to install and run Cucumber!
There is a single feature file with one scenario. The scenario has three steps, two of them pending. See if you can make them all pass!
Get the code
git clone
cd cucumber-java-skeleton
svn checkout cucumber-java-skeleton
cd cucumber-java-skeleton
Or download a zip file.
Use Maven
Open a command window and run:
cd maven
./mvnw test
This runs Cucumber features using Cucumber's JUnit Platform Engine. The Suite
annotation on the RunCucumberTest
class tells JUnit to kick off Cucumber.
Use Gradle
Open a command window and run:
cd gradle
./gradlew test --rerun-tasks --info
This runs Cucumber features using Cucumber's JUnit Platform Engine. The Suite
annotation on the RunCucumberTest
class tells JUnit to kick off Cucumber.
The Cucumber JUnit Platform Engine uses configuration parameters to know what features to run,
where the glue code lives, what plugins to use, etc. When using JUnit, these
configuration parameters are provided through the @ConfigurationParameter
annotation on your test.
For available parameters see: io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants
Run a subset of Features or Scenarios
Specify a particular scenario by line
@SelectClasspathResource(value = "io/cucumber/skeleton/belly.feature", line = 3)
In case you have multiple feature files or scenarios to run against repeat the annotation.
You can also specify what to run by tag:
Running a single scenario or feature
Maven and Gradle do not (yet) support selecting single features or scenarios
with JUnit selectors. As a work around the cucumber.features
property can be
used. Because this property will cause Cucumber to ignore any other selectors
from JUnit it is prudent to only execute the Cucumber engine.
With Maven
To select the scenario on line 3 of the belly.feature
file use:
./mvnw test -Dsurefire.includeJUnit5Engines=cucumber -Dcucumber.features=src/test/resources/io/cucumber/skeleton/belly.feature:3
Note: Add -Dcucumber.plugin=pretty
to get a more detailed output during test execution.
With Gradle
TODO: (I don't know how to do this. Feel free to send a pull request. ;))