rez-manager copied to clipboard
Manages rez packages.
Rez Managaer
A rez util package that can:
- [x] List all the status of rez packages.
- [x] Localization.
- [x] Delete local package.
- [x] Support variants.
- [ ] Filter & Sort the results.
- [x] Open folder of selected package.
- [ ] Work with rez in separate thread.
Informative Spreadsheet
- Gray cells package are shadowed by the black ones.
- Description, tools, variants are shown in tooltips.
- Package repository are represented by columns.
Highly contextual RMB menu.
Copy selected packages from remote repositories to local repositories at one click.
Reveal the package folder by menu.
You can delete the local package(s) of latest version or all versions.
Please note that the deploy scripts is not contained in this repository. I suppose it varies from place to place. The simplest way to deploy it is just copying the contents to one of your rez repository folder.