add-to-homescreen icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
add-to-homescreen copied to clipboard

Info Windows phone

Open Deltafox79 opened this issue 10 years ago • 23 comments

Hello, I know that this script currently does not work on Windows Phone,

I saw the code and I know that this request is in TODO ..

As a developer I be able to test on my Windows Phone Nokia Lumia 820 possible release. (I have preview developer release Win 8.1 Phone) and IE browser have a possibility to ADD to Start Web Page...

greetings Paul

Deltafox79 avatar May 02 '14 21:05 Deltafox79

I need to know how to identify the browser and it IE has a method to detect the web-app-capable apps.

cubiq avatar May 02 '14 22:05 cubiq

This is my UserAgent for my Lumia 820 whit latest windows Phone 8.1

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 8.1; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 820; Vodafone) like Gecko

regex = 'WindowsMobileOS' => 'Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Window Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;'

and can utilize < meta name="MobileOptimized" content="width" > or < meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" >


Deltafox79 avatar May 03 '14 22:05 Deltafox79

does it fill the window.navigator.standalone property?

cubiq avatar May 04 '14 06:05 cubiq

No is undefined...

Deltafox79 avatar May 04 '14 09:05 Deltafox79

then unfortunately I need the device to make tests

cubiq avatar May 04 '14 09:05 cubiq

sorry, of course it's window.navigator.standalone

cubiq avatar May 04 '14 09:05 cubiq

Yes I have test also window.navigator.standalone but it is always undefined..

Comunque se serve possiamo parlare anche in italiano... Ciao

Deltafox79 avatar May 04 '14 10:05 Deltafox79

English please, so everybody understands.

Bottom line. I need a device :)

cubiq avatar May 04 '14 10:05 cubiq

Ok.. But if you need I'm avaiable for future test... Regards

Deltafox79 avatar May 04 '14 10:05 Deltafox79

Hi, some more test on meta tag for creating tile on windows Phone 8 >


< !-- Windows Phone --> < meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no"> < meta name="application-name" content=""/> < meta name="msapplication-tooltip" content=" | DFoX Video"/> < meta name="msapplication-starturl" content=""/> < meta name="msapplication-window" content="width=1024;height=768"/> < meta name="msapplication-navbutton-color" content="#FFFF00"/> < meta name="msapplication-badge" value="frequency=60;polling-uri=http://xlmfortile" /> < meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="imgs/icon-144x144.png"/> < meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#00FF60"/>

or use javascript + meta < meta name="application-name" content="DFoX" /> < meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content=" #009900" /> < meta name="msapplication-square70x70logo" content="images/smalltile.png" /> < meta name="msapplication-square150x150logo" content="images/mediumtile.png" /> < meta name="msapplication-wide310x150logo" content="images/widetile.png" /> < meta name="msapplication-square310x310logo" content="images/largetile.png" /> < script> if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('mssitepinned', InizioPeriodoAggiornamento, false); } else { window.onload = InizioPeriodoAggiornamento; }

  function  InizioPeriodoAggiornamento()
      var arrURI = ["notifica/prova1.xml", "notifica/prova2.xml", "notifica/prova3.xml"];
< /script>

This is the result When Click on "Add to Start"


Deltafox79 avatar May 04 '14 18:05 Deltafox79

thanks for the info. I'll try to implement that blindly if you can test it

cubiq avatar May 06 '14 13:05 cubiq

Sure. When you want ..

little bit translation update on action How I see on the dispositive...

it_it: { message: 'Per Aggiungere questa web app alla schermata iniziale: premi %icon e poi %action.', action: { ios: 'Aggiungi a Home', android: 'Aggiungi a schermata Home', windows: 'aggiungi a start' } }

Deltafox79 avatar May 06 '14 14:05 Deltafox79

We have different Windows Phones (Samsung Ativ S, Lumia 820, Lumia 920, Lumia 820 WP 8.1) and would be happy to test, too.

mj1985 avatar May 06 '14 15:05 mj1985

I have a nokia lumia 520 with windows phone 8.1 dev preview. I will try to port it and PR.

KonradIT avatar Jun 30 '14 10:06 KonradIT

I've got a 630, porting is less painful than I thought, but can be done (just need some time).

cubiq avatar Jun 30 '14 10:06 cubiq

@cubiq just started this

KonradIT avatar Jun 30 '14 10:06 KonradIT

Any news about this? Looks like @KonradIT doesn't got a working solution yet.

mj1985 avatar Dec 17 '14 12:12 mj1985 New Microsoft Solution...

This is latest user agent for My lumia 925 Denim OS

Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 925) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537

Example .:

works also on Windows Desktop Metrò..

For Windows 8.x Desktop Pc tiles...

PC IE Mobile Ui desktop UserAgent Windows Desktop

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko


For test .:


Deltafox79 avatar Apr 18 '15 17:04 Deltafox79

I have fixed code css and js off addtohome for working also on Windows Phone Mobile ..

the v3.1.1 fixed can find here :



js minifier

You need only create the correct metatag for windows phone manually or from site

link For Test or

Enjoy ..:: DeltaFoX :...

Deltafox79 avatar May 14 '15 12:05 Deltafox79

Wir haben bis einschließlich 17. Mai 2015 Betriebsurlaub.

Die eMails werden nicht automatisch weitergeleitet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Stefan Mayr

I am out of office until 07th of june 2014.

grizzly avatar May 14 '15 12:05 grizzly

I have fixed code css and js off addtohome for working also on Windows Phone Mobile ..

the v3.2.2 fixed can find here :



js minifier

You need only create the correct metatag for windows phone manually or from site

link For Test or

Cubiq what do you think?

Enjoy ..:: DeltaFoX :...

Deltafox79 avatar May 21 '15 21:05 Deltafox79

v3.2.2 Mod for Windows Phone in Action .:

Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE (Windows) , Htc M7 (Android), Iphone 5 (Ios), Ipad 4 (Ios)

Image .:


Enjoy ..:: DFoX ::..

Deltafox79 avatar May 27 '15 11:05 Deltafox79

@Deltafox79 can you open a Pull Request for this? That way we can try to integrate it in this library.


holtkamp avatar Mar 05 '16 12:03 holtkamp