cuba-component-forgot-password icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cuba-component-forgot-password copied to clipboard

A CUBA framework component that adds forgot password functionality to CUBA. It also offer a REST API to be consumed by third party applications or by JS clients.

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CUBA Forgot Password Component

This application component gives the following features once added to a CUBA project:

  • Enables displaying an optional Forgot password link in the main login window, allowing users to send themselves an email with a reset password link
  • Enables logging in by both login name and email (this works also when using REST API). PLEASE NOTE that requires a UNIQUE constraint on the email attribute of the User entity (simply put, users' emails must be unique in the system)
  • Exposes a new REST service (extsec_UserManagementService) that enables REST clients to use the forgot password functionality via API calls


NOTE: This add-on's repository is officially linked to the main CUBA repository.

You can jump straight to step 2. for instructions on how to add it to your project, or optionally you can choose to add my repository to your project's repositories.

  1. [OPTIONAL] Add the following maven repository to the build.gradle of your CUBA application:
buildscript {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven {
            url  ""
    // ...
  1. Select a version of the add-on which is compatible with the platform version used in your project:
Platform Version Add-on Version Coordinates
6.6.* 0.1.1
6.7.* N/A not compatible
6.8.* 0.2.0
6.9.* 1.0.0
6.10.* 2.2.0
7.0.* 3.0.0
7.1.* 4.0.0

The latest stable version is: 4.0.0

  1. Install the correct add-on version in your project using CUBA Studio, or manually by editing your build.gradle file.

PLEASE NOTE that new features are developed only in the latest releases, while only critical bug fixes are back-ported to older ones. Please update your CUBA version as soon as possible, if you are in need of some features available only in a recent release (see the CHANGELOG for reference).



  • The loginWindow screen has been refactored a bit. You need to change your code if you have extended this screen, otherwise no action is required.
  • CUBA 6.9 makes the Anonymous role a Denying role by default. So if you install the component in a brand new project, it will not work until you adjust the permissions for the Anonymous role. No action is required if upgrading an existing project, or your Anonymous role is already configured with the needed roles. Please see the paragraph Setup the Anonymous role in the Usage section, for instructions on how to setup a new CUBA 6.9 project.


  • The loginWindow screen has been refactored to follow the changes made in CUBA 6.10 for the new Hover theme. You need to change your code if you have extended this screen, otherwise no action is required.
  • The extended allowAnonymous attribute in rest-services.xml file has been removed. Please use the anonymousAllowed standard attribute introduced in CUBA 6.10 instead. Remember to change the attribute xmlns="" in your rest-services.xml to the standard xmlns="" one.


  • Some code changes required for CUBA 7 compatibility, that are backwards incompatible.

Supported DBMS engines

Since version 0.2.0 this plugin supports the following RDBMS engines:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL/MariaDB 10.x (thanks to Mario David)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (tested against 2017-GA Express on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Oracle 11g+ (tested against Oracle Express Edition 11g)

Created tables

Table Name Scope
NXSECFP_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN Holds generated reset tokens, alongside the linked User entity and timestamp of expiration


Setup the Anonymous role (1.0.0+ only)

If you install the 1.0.0 or later add-on version on a brand new CUBA project, please follow these instructions to setup your Anonymous role.

  1. Login as Administrator
  2. Open the Roles screen in the Administration menu
  3. Find the Anonymous role and edit it
  4. In the Screens tab expand the Other screens target, then find the screens listed in the following image, and set them to allow

  1. Finally Save and Close the edit screen, and restart the application

Using the Forgot Password functionality

To enable the Forgot password link, and related functionality in the main login window, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following properties to your file:
# this property enables the reset password link in login window = true

# you must include the "reset" link handler action to be able to open the change pass dialog via custom link
cuba.web.linkHandlerActions = open|o|reset
  1. Optionally, create custom reset link emails and set the corresponding paths in your file, located in the core module:
# create customized email templates, and set the full path in these properties = /it/nexbit/cuba/security/forgotpassword/app/email/reset-password-link-body.gsp = /it/nexbit/cuba/security/forgotpassword/app/email/reset-password-link-subject.gsp

You can find built-in templates here: Default email templates. Remember that they use the same mechanism described here in the official docs:, so they can be localized adding a locale suffix, and they can also be located or overridden in the tomcat configuration directory, with the properties added to the file.


The component also exposes the following DATABASE properties, that you can configure in your running app:

Property Default Value Description /reset The path appended to your web application URL when the token is generated from the standard login window (WARNING: do not modify this value unless you are extending or changing the component behavior) http://localhost:8080/portal/reset You should change this property if you plan to use the forgot password functionality from REST clients. This endpoint must be configured using your JS framework of choice, and it is beyond the scope of this documentation 1440 The lifetime of a newly generated reset token (default 24 hours)

extsec_UserManagementService Methods

UPDATE FOR CUBA >= 7.1: Since the REST API functionality has been moved to a separate add-on, you must add it to your project to be able to call the following methods via REST.

The following are the methods exposed by the extsec_UserManagementService

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services xmlns="">
    <service name="extsec_UserManagementService">
        <method name="checkUserExist" anonymousAllowed="true">
            <param name="loginOrEmail"/>
        <method name="sendResetPasswordLink" anonymousAllowed="true">
            <param name="loginOrEmail"/>
        <method name="checkResetPasswordToken" anonymousAllowed="true">
            <param name="token"/>
        <method name="changePasswordWithToken" anonymousAllowed="true">
            <param name="token"/>
            <param name="password"/>
        <method name="deleteResetPasswordToken" anonymousAllowed="true">
            <param name="token"/>

Consult the online documentation at this link, or the JavaDoc documentation on the interface methods for explanation of their usage and parameters.

You can use the following button to open a collection of requests in the Postman application:

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Usage Notes

The methods exposed to REST clients are not all the methods available on the NexbitUserManagementService interface, but only the safest ones.

Feel free to use the other ones in your own client and middleware code, for example if you want to implement a new management functionality to bulk send reset passwords to a group of users.

This is specially useful, because the methods on that interface allow to explicitly set the baseUrl to use when generating reset links, and so you could let your power user (admin) to choose where end users will be redirected when clicking the link (if you have multiple apps for multiple groups of users).

In this regard, the component use a couple of defaults when choosing which baseUrl to use when generating reset links:

  • if the user click the Forgot password link on the main (vaadin) login window, it will use the URL obtained by concatenating the values from GlobalConfig#getWebAppUrl() and the property
  • if the request comes from the sendResetPasswordLink REST service method, it will use the URL in the property

In both cases, it will append a token=<TOKEN_VALUE> query string to the final URL.

New Login screen in v.4.0

Starting from version 4.0 of the addon, there are two login screens:

  • NexbitLoginScreen - new login screen written with the new screen API
  • NexbitAppLoginWindow - legacy login screen written with the old API. NOTE: you should not extend your custom login screen from this if you are starting a new project!

The legacy login screen is used automatically when your contains cuba.web.loginScreenId=loginWindow.

Known Issues

See the corresponding issue to find if a workaround is currently available.


Thanks to

  • Mario David (@mariodavid) for the initial MySQL/MariaDB scripts
  • Sorin Federiga (@sorinfederiga) for the Romanian translation
  • Sergey Butenin (@basicus) for the Russian translation and for porting the code to CUBA 7