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Android USB reverse tethering with WiFi hotspot


Script to simlify reverse USB tethering with WiFi hotspot on non-rooted Android






To share unlimited wired network from PC to laptop and iPad instead of sharing 4G with limited monthly traffic.


  • Use Gnirehtet on PC to start reverse USB tethering
  • Use Every Proxy on Android to run proxy server
  • Enable WiFi hotspot on Android
  • Connect to created WiFi and specify proxy address

Tetherspot could automate this process by

  • ~~Downloading and installing adb if needed~~ (Not yet)
  • ~~Downloading and installing propper Gnirehtet version~~ (Not yet)
  • ~~Downloading and installing EveryProxy apk~~ (Not yet)
  • Starting/stopping Gnirehtet, Every Proxy and WiFi hotspot in one command


  • Work In Progress!
  • Current version has only win64 Gnirehter binaries, so on linux/macOS you should add propper Gnirehtet version to PATH yourself
  • Current version don't yet install Every Proxy, so install it manually from Google Play
git clone https://github.com/cuamckuu/tetherspot.git
cd ./tetherspot
# Unlock your phone and connect it via USB with allowed USB debugging
python main.py


  • [X] Run adb commands from Python
  • [X] Enable wifi hotspot from adb
  • [X] Disable wifi hotspot from adb``adb
  • [X] Enable proxy server from adb
  • [X] Disable proxy server from adb
  • [X] Run Gnirehtet from Python
  • [X] Cleanup Gnirehtet on android side
  • [X] Working Windows prototype
  • [X] Check that device unlocked
  • [X] Lock screen after start of Gnirehtet
  • [X] Unlock screen before cleanup
  • [X] Disable mobile network to ensure reverse tethering works
  • [ ] Determine OS version to get propper Gnirehtet
  • [ ] Install EveryProxy if needed
  • [ ] Install ADB if needed
  • [ ] Write own Android proxy server (TCP, UDP, IPv6, netty, ktor)
  • [ ] Get relative path to __file__ location
  • [ ] Use logging instead of prints
  • [ ] Add run flags for diffirent behaviour. Ex: --lock, --install, --hotspot_row, etc
  • [ ] Maybe auto screen unlock?


  • is mobile data on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28537468/getting-cellular-network-status-via-adb-shell
  • is package installed: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20911231/android-how-to-know-if-any-application-is-already-installed-in-android-device-u