ck-docker copied to clipboard
Collective Knowledge extension to automate Docker "build","run" and "push" functions and packge CK repositories for collaborative and reproducible research:
Automating creation and execution of Docker images via CK
All CK components can be found at and in one GitHub repository!
This project is hosted by the cTuning foundation.
This repository helps you automate various Docker tasks including "build", "run" and "push" via CK. Useful to build and deploy CK-powered Docker images for example to crowdsource autotuning and other experiments, or share your projects for Artifact Evaluation at conferences. You can find several such Docker images prepared via CK here. If you have questions and comments, feel free to get in touch with [the community](!forum/collective-knowledge the community)!
Stable repository
Install Docker
To install Docker, please refer to the official Docker installation instructions. Please make sure that you can run the "hello-world" example:
$ docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker.
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
NB: To run Docker without sudo
on Linux, create a docker
user group
(e.g. see instructions for Ubuntu here.
Install Oracle VirtualBox
Download and install it from
Note, that if you plan to use devices connected via USB (for example, access Android devices via ADB), you also need to install VirtualBox Extension Pack (you can download it from above page).
Install Docker
Follow these guidelines:
Note that if you plan to use USB devices, you need to update "default" VirtualBox image (created by Docker after installation) and enable USB (USB2 or USB3).
Obtain Docker IP
You can obtain internal IP of the docker machine (required for CK web services) using the following command:
$ docker-machine ip
- Grigori Fursin, cTuning foundation
- Anton Lokhmotov, dividiti
- BSD, 3-clause
$ ck pull repo:ck-docker
List existing Docker images in the CK:
$ ck list docker
Run a given Docker image:
$ ck run docker:ck
This command will download Docker image with Ubuntu and CK installed, and will start an interactive bash session.
If you need sudo to run docker on your machine, use flag '--sudo' as follows:
$ ck run docker:ck --sudo
If a given image was not shared with Docker Hub, you should build it locally.
Build a given image locally
$ ck build docker:ck
If you need sudo to run docker, use flag '--sudo' as follows:
$ ck build docker:ck --sudo
If build succeeded, you can run this image via
$ ck run docker:ck
Use CK web server (JSON API)
We have shared CK-based web server via Docker Hub. You can run it as follows:
$ ck run docker:ck-web-server
Starting CK web service on (configured for access at ...
On Linux you should be able to access it via any browser as follows:
$ firefox http://localhost:3344
On Windows Docker will use a different IP such as . In such case you should use it to browse CK repository, i.e.
$ firefox
Alternatively, you can ask CK to automatically detect this IP and start web server as follows:
$ ck run docker:ck-web-server --browser
If you plan to use it externally or in a workgroup, you will need to set external IP and port as follows:
$ export WFE_HOST=123.456.0.78 WFE_PORT=9999 CK_PORT=3344
$ ck run docker:ck-ubuntu-16.04 --cmd=" -p ${WFE_PORT}:${CK_PORT} --env WFE_HOST=${WFE_HOST} --env WFE_PORT=${WFE_PORT} --env CK_PORT=${CK_PORT} --env CK_PORT=${CK_PORT}"
Starting CK web service on (configured for access at 123.456.0.78:9999) ...
Note, that WFE_HOST is external IP and WFE_PORT is external port which CK web front end (dashboard) will use when preparing links in html pages. CK_HOST is internal host (can be left blank) and CK_PORT is internal port.
Finally, if you do not have CK installed, you can run Docker image with the CK web server directly:
$ docker run --rm -p 3344:3344 ctuning/ck-web-server
and you can customize it as follows:
$ docker run --rm --env CK_HOST= --env WFE_HOST=localhost --env CK_PORT=3344 --env WFE_PORT=3344 -p 3344:3344 ctuning/ck-web-server
Browse interactive article and reproduce experiments
We converted parts of our following papers and their results into CK-based interactive articles (to let the community reproduce our results and build upon them):
- (CPC'15)
- (JSP'14)
- (DATE'16)
You can download related Docker image and browse it as follows:
$ ck run docker:ck-interactive-article --browser
Alternatively, you can run it manually via docker:
$ docker run --rm ctuning/ck-interactive-article
$ firefox http://localhost:3344/web?wcid=1e348bd6ab43ce8a:b0779e2a64c22907
On Windows, you will need to change localhost to IP reported via 'docker-machine ip' as described in the previous sub-section.
You can replay experiments from above papers (by copy/pasting replay CMD from the web dashboard) on your machine by running above Docker image in the interactive mode:
$ ck run docker:ck-interactive-article-cmd
$ ck replay experiment ...
You can build this Docker image locally via
$ ck build docker:ck-interactive-article
If you need sudo to run docker, use flag '--sudo' as follows:
$ ck build docker:ck-interactive-article --sudo
Participate in GCC crowd-tuning
You can participate in GCC crowd-tuning (i.e. collaboratively tuning optimization heuristic of GCC and sharing experimental results via public repository as follows:
$ ck run docker:ck-crowdtune-gcc
$ docker run ctuning/ck-crowdtune-gcc
However, we suggest to use CK natively. In such, case you will be able to take advantage of your latest environment and GCC compiler as follows:
$ ck pull repo:ck-crowdtuning
$ ck crowdtune program --gcc
Participate in LLVM crowd-tuning
Similar to GCC crowd-tuning you can collaboratively tune LLVM optimization heuristic on your machine via
$ ck run docker:ck-crowdtune-llvm
$ docker run ctuning/ck-crowdtune-llvm
Create your own CK-based Docker image
Select the most close Docker image in CK and copy it to a new CK entry:
$ ck cp docker:ck-ubuntu-16.04-interactive-report :my-cool-image
Find its path:
$ ck find docker:my-cool-image
Edit Dockerfile and .cm/meta.json in this directory.
When ready, build your image (and specify your own organization, to avoid using 'ctuning' as default)
$ ck build docker:my-cool-image --org=my-org
and then run it
$ ck run docker:my-cool-image
You can also login to the Docker Hub and push your image to your account via
$ ck login docker
$ ck push docker:my-cool-image --org=my-org
That's all!
Misc notes
If you want to access devices connected via USB from Docker image, you need to run Docker as follows:
$ docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb ...